Forgiven Not Forgoten ( A MichaelJackson FanFic )

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********** A/N********

Okay, before I get started I just want to say, for this story I made Michael different from himself, from how he really is and I don't wanna offend anyone. I just did it for effect, for my story. I did the same thing with Jermaine. So, I hope you enjoy reading it other than that, and I'd love to hear what you think :)


"...and I no longer have anything to be afraid of, and nothing to hide." says Mchael.

Michael Jackson in fact.

I am at one of his concerts, and I guess he has something really important to say, because instead of performimg, he's giving us a speech.

He looks around at the audience untill his eyes finally land on me. He gestures for me to come up on the stage.

Now normaly, I would've jumped up on the stage right away, but I don't like where this is going.

I hesitently get up on the stage, and look into his beautiful eyes.

I have been his biggest fan since forever, and I love being up on the stage with him.

Lately though I've been noticing a lot of changes in Michael, like he's kinda slipping, going a little mad.

I don't judge him of course, I mean I really have no idea what's going on in his life, but this made me worry a bit about what he's doing.

"Are you a fan of mine babygirl?"

He asks me into the microphone.

"The biggest." I say.

A bunch of the women in the crowd yell and shake their heads. Michael looks at them and chuckles, and then returns his gaze to me.

"For how long?" he asks me.

" Forever." I mumble shyly.

He looks down at me and chuckles again.

"Do you trust me?" he asks.

"Um...I guess so, yeah." I reply.

Why is he asking me so many questions?

"And do you have anything to hide...?"

"Victoria." I say.

"Yes,Victoria, do you have anything to hide?"


I had to think about what to say, I have no idea what's going through this man's mind right now.

"I guess I don't really have anything to hide, I am what I am and no one can change that." I say as I look up at him and smile nervously.

The crowd goes crazy and I smile really wide looking around at all of them. Wow, that's a lot of people, just for one man, and this is only only a fraction of his fans. I wish I could be this loved.

"Well is that right?" he says as he looks at me and licks his lips.

"Yes!" I say confidently as I turn and face the audience completely.

Michael stands behind me and mutters something that sounds like 'good'.

Before I could turn around and ask him what he said, I feel him place his hands on my waist. I freeze as his hands start going lower...

Forgiven Not Forgotten     ( A Michael Jackson Fanfic )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ