Chapter one

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Julia's ears was still buzzing from the concert. She clutched her VIP pass as she walked along, the experience still fresh in her mind. She ran a hand through her long black hair, it naturally falling back in her eyes. The nerves were building inside her as she approached the table that her idols sat at.
They were all... real. Real people sitting before her, waiting to talk to her.

Immediately, her eyes fell on Brendon Urie. He ran a hand through his gorgeous dark hair, the light reflected off of his god like facial features in just the right way.

Brendon smiled "like what you see?" he laughed and the others joined in. Thats when I realized I had been staring. I gave a half smile "ya I uh" I shuddered then awkwardly approached the table and have them some shirts to sign. "I'm such a huge fan" I said to all of them

"thank you for coming to our show" Gerard said. Pete leaned over to Patrick and whispered something then looked at me. It was a little creepy but he probably wasn't talking about me.

"thank you so much" I said taking my stuff from the table and walking away.

I returned all my stuff to my car but decided to sit out side the arena to enjoy the concert atmosphere just a bit more. When suddenly I heard a rustling in the alleyway near by. I didn't have anything else to do so I decided I'd check it out. I looked around and didn't see anything so I turned to go back to my car. But before I could turn around a strong hand covered my mouth and I realized too late that it was drugged.

Hey so first chapter yay. Sorry if it's rly bad just push through it will get better.

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