I'm Giving Up On You(NOW UP!)

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credit to -truce for making the cover!

The new Fall Out Boy book is now up on my profile- GO CHECK IT OUT! :)

Recently my hands have been hurting a lot because I write all of this on my phone, which is why my updates have been slower than usual. I'm trying to save up for a laptop for school as well as for writing longer chapters more frequently. To do that, I've signed up for FeaturePoints, an app that basically rewards you with points for literally downloading games like Candy Crush an playing with them for a minute. You can redeem points for Amazon and Starbucks gift cards, Paypal cash, and paid apps.

When you guys sign up using my referral code, you earn 50 points. When you continue to download apps and play with them for sixty seconds, you get points and I get points. The more you guys play, the more points you get and the closer I get to reaching my goal. So it's a win-win situation right? So please help me and yourself out earn some extra money, because my hands are starting to hurt and it's difficult for me to write nowadays. Thank you!!

The website is http://featu.re/GWCW79 and the code to use is GWCW79

If you sign up and try all of the games on the first page, you will receive points for yourself and a follow back from me along with an imagine written for you. Just message me once you're done and give me your name, a band member, and any requests(no smut haha). Thank you!!

Breathe Me Back To Life •Patrick Stump+Fall Out Boy•حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن