Regrets Don't Fade Away.

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Sorry for not updating in a long time! Oops? Help you all enjoy!


Second month of shooting. They had filmed about 6 episodes out of the 23 they had originally planned to. Apparently being the spinoff to Disney's former most critically acclaimed show gets you a lot of views.


You know those days where nothing happens, good or bad, but you just feel like punching a wall? Yeah, he was having one of those days. He had always been one to have constant mood swings, so this wasn't any new. But the fact that his best friend was completely ignoring him didn't help, at all

"Laura, talk to me."

"I can't."

"What the hell? I'm your best friend! Stop ignoring me dammit!"

"I.... I just can't okay!"

"Whatever. Come to me when you get your head straight."

"Just shut up and go away Ross!"

He was surprised, this was the second time Laura had gotten angry in the past 2 months. And she was known for never getting angry. Something really must be bugging her.

Although his hot temper was still there, he decided to apologize to her.

"I'm sorry Laura. Open the door!"

No answer.

"Laura? Open the door Laur!"

Still no answer.

This was one of the moments where Ross felt very thankful for the fact that he had a copy of her key. Comes in handy at times. He opened the door to find snoozing Laura on the couch, drool dripping from her face. Not very attractive if you ask me, but he wouldn't exchange the view for anything. (Okay, maybe for a view of her in a ball gown, but that's not the point.)

He slowly walked towards her and shook her. She instantly woke up.

"What? What are doing here?"

"Good morning to you too?"

"Go away."

He sighs.

"Look.... I'm... I'm sorry, I really am. I'm sorry for saying that. I was just having a horrible day, still am by the way, and you decided to ignore me! My temper got the best of me. Sorry."

Her face was still stern, but her eyes showed that she understood.

"I'm sorry too, but I'll tell you when time comes okay? I just don't know.... I'm sorry. Just wait a while longer."

"Oh great, more waiting.." He muttered under his breath, not wanting her to hear it.



She gives a last tell-me-for-heaven's-sake look and gets up.

The room is filled with silence. The both of them just standing there.

"I said I didn't want to wait anymore."

"For what Ross?"

"For you."


"Laura, I know you like me and I know you know that I like you. We've waited for six years, I think it's about time we could at least say a simple I like you without being all awkward! Damn it, every second of these six years I've spent thinking about you, do you know that? It's not that easy to forget someone you lo- really like! It's... It's not. I know."

"It's not that simple!"

"Oh really, why?"

"Why didn't you keep contact?"

Her voice was now calm. She looked at him, expecting an answer.

"I.... It's just.... The band.... We were.... We were super busy... And I was told not to waste my time and I couldn't.... I couldn't keep up.... Ugh!"


He looked at her, not quite understanding.
It was now her turn to let out a sigh.

"Ross, your band is getting more famous by the day. Suppose we date, and you need to leave again. Suppose everything repeats, you're too busy to call or text and eventually, I'm not even in your contacts anymore! It happened once, who says it won't happen again?"

"Laura, no-"

"Don't." Tears streamed down her face at this point. "It's only until we're shooting. After that, you'll be as busy as ever and it'll only be a matter of time before you completely forget about me."

"That won't happen Laura!"

"Then prove it."

And she left the room.

Give it all upTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon