Big News

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Yoooo big news in this chap for the fearsome foursome!! Read along and I hope you enjoy!! It's a very very short chapter though. Next one will be extra long, I promise.


She sat in her room, crying for no apparent reason. What Raini said was most likely true, but he was a man. And a man needs a woman, no matter who she is.

She felt her best friend sit next to her, slightly hugging by the side.

"Do you really think he loves me?"

"I don't think so, I know so."

"How would you know?"

"I just do, Laura."

"What tells you he won't find a better girl for himself?"

"There isn't a better girl for him."

She smiled a bit. She knew her newly found hopes were most likely to be crushed someday, but she decided that she would dream. She was willing to give her heart a shot. She was willing to risk her immunity.


They arrived at the small but comfortable looking house, and got out of the car.

"Home sweet home!"

"It sounds like you haven't been here in ages."

"I was here two days ago, but home is home, right?"

He let out a tiny chuckle and they both walked into the house. The aroma of bread and freshly cooked chicken reached his nose, making him hungry.

"Calum, I see your mom still cooks just as well."

"Well duh, she's my mom."

They walked towards the kitchen, where Mrs.Worthy was.

"Calum! My little precious little boy you!"

"Hi mom."

"Oh and who do we have here? Riss?"

"Ross actually."

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! It's just I haven't seen you in so long! Welcome. Are you here to stay?"

"If it's fine with you, ma'am."

"Of course it is! Go make yourselves cozy!"

After a race up the stairs, Ross plopped onto the thick, firm mattress Calum calls a bed. Calum comes into the room second, panting. It probably has something to do with the fact that he carried the luggage all the way up, by himself.

The older one from the duo takes his laptop and checks his emails.

"Ohh what do we have here?"


"Ross, I think Austin Moon is coming back."


Ross jumped up and went to read the email Calum had received. He would've checked his own phone, but he didn't want to risk seeing the texts he probably had.

He peeked over Calum's shoulder, and read the letter.

You have been called to Disney's head office for a spin-off of the show "Austin and Ally" entitled "Chad and Chloe".

Their show was coming back on. I repeat, their show was coming back on. Both of them jumped up with joy, not being able to contain themselves.

Suddenly, Ross dropped his smile, sat down, and put his head in his hands.

"What's wrong?"

"Austin and Ally."

"You're afraid of facing her?"

"I'm afraid of losing another opportunity. I'm afraid of having her so close to me and not being able to hold her. Of not being able to love her."

"Then love her, hold her, take the chance."

A moment of silence fell into the room.

"I will."

He cracked a smile. A genuine, cute little smile. A smile only she could bring. This is it. This will be their happy ending, thought Calum.


Over at the girl's side, the excitement was so obvious, the neighbors had to knock on the door and tell them to keep it down. Unlike Ross, Laura was very eager to see him again. Of course, she wasn't nearly as happy as him, but she was very eager.

This was it. This was their new beginning.

World, here they come again. The fearsome foursome.


Hope you enjoyed! Next chap will be longer for sure, and we might have some cast interaction if I'm in a good mood. Else, wait another two chapters. Also, I need comments on how I'm doing, so it would be very appreciated. Thanks! Love, Huda.

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