Turn Back Time

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Okay, here it is, same scene, different shot. He was sure to do it now. This was Austin talking to his wife. Not Ross talking to... Whatever Laura was to him, right?

"Here goes nothing..."


To his surprise, he had done very well, the whole day. After that somewhat talk? Fight? Whatever you want to call it, he had been able to concentrate, at least better than before. The day went by and he got ready to go home. As he was about to get into his car, he saw a familiar brunette walking towards him. Her face showed determination and a little something he thought of as either anger or stubbornness.

"You. Me. Need to talk. Now."

"How about tomorr-"


"What about your car?"

"Raini and Calum are driving over to my place, we all meet up there after you and I have a little chitchat."

That was an order.

"Umm... Get in."

She sat into the passenger seat, not giving him a second look. He was confused, and to be honest, a bit scared. She was usually so bubbly and full of joy that this seemed like a totally different person to him, all of a sudden. Not that he was complaining. He always wanted a strong and commanding girl.

The drive to the beach, their spot, went by slowly. Too slowly. He wanted to turn on the radio, but the awkwardness would kill him. Suddenly, still staring out the window, she spoke up.


"For what?"

"For snapping at you. I just..."

"You just what?"


The beach had arrived, he parked the car, got out, and walked over to her side.

"Tell me."

"You wouldn't tell me."

He let out a sigh.

"Fine, tell me, and I'll tell you."

She muttered a "fine" and got out of the car. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the sand. He say down, and pulled her down with him.

"Speak up."

"Sorry for snapping at you, I just hated the fact that you thought that we lost what we had. That we weren't the Ross and Laura that could tell each other anything. It's like you forgot about me while I couldn't get you off my mind. I was wide awake staring at pictures of you and you were sleeping, not even remembering me. It kills me to think that."

Tears had formed into her eyes, but they wouldn't fall. He looked at her. He put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

"It's not that, Laura. I promise. I just thought that you wouldn't handle what I had to say well. But now that you've poured out your heart, I guess I should too."

He put his other hand under her chin, lifting it up slightly so she was facing him.

"All those nights you've spent thinking of me, I was dreaming of you, too. All the time you've spent crying over me, I've been regretting letting you go. All those memories you think I've forgotten, I've stored them in a deep trench of my heart. We haven't lost anything Laura. If anything, our bond has grown stronger. You think I didn't tell you because you didn't deserve to know. The truth is, I thought that if I told you that I couldn't say I love you to you because I was feeling too emotional, you'd think I was crazy. You'd think bad of me, and finally, you'd get out my grip again."

They stared into each other's eyes. Laura was now crying, but smiling at the same time. He felt the same way, he'd always felt the same way. She felt him leaning in, and she closed her eyes. Their faces were less than an inch apart, when they both heard thunder and jolted apart. Nice timing, note the sarcasm. The thunder was followed by lightning, and soon, it was pouring. They both ran to the car and sat in, waiting for the storm to calm down before they drove to Laura's.

"They hadn't predicted a thunder shower tonight."

"A lot of things that happened today were unexpected."

This is what he loved about her, despite the little "moment" they just shared, nothing was awkward. It was her, with dripping hair and a goofy smile. The girl he loved, in the state he loved her most.

"Let's just erase these six years from our lives."


"Let's start over."

"No, that would be too much of a struggle. Let's just go back in time, six years."

"I agree."

The rain slowed down and they drove off to wherever there other two wackadoodles were.

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