One Night As... Us

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Calum and Raini arrived at the apartment shortly after. Since the duo completely forgot about getting movies due to their talk, they decided the night would be just them talking and reminiscing about the past.

"Remember our first live stream?"

"Oh my gosh yes!!!"

"Remember when Ross was jealous when Laura and I said that Raura was us?"


"Let's just watch it again."

"That's actually a great idea! Let's search them up on YouTube!"

"It's settled."


They searched up the first live stream.

If you can see us type banana

"Really Ross? Banana?"

"I don't know man."

Laura has to go to school

"I was sooo young!"

Someone said Calum is their favorite ginger.

"I bet I still am."

That's not how you spell banana!

Everyone glared at Ross.

"What? I was young!"

Heartbeat's winning!

"What was the question?"

"Don't remember!"

Who takes longer to get ready?

La-Raura Laura.

"Caught you saying Raura, Ross."

"Shut up!"

But you guys always look better than us, though.

"That was so sweet, Ross!"

"What is it? Pick on Ross because of his past live streams day?"


Describe each cast member in one word.


The heads jerked towards Ross, again.

"I was young!" He defended himself.


Your word to describe Calum.


"That is some good Coss right there."

"Coss Wynch forever."


"You still are adorkable."



"Stop it Ross!"


"Ugh stop!"

Why are you so sexy?

"Why were you so obsessed with your sexiness?"

"I was sexy okay!"

"Key word, was."

"I still am."


"I am."


"Stop it you lovebirds."

It's time for a game!

Hunchback of Notre-Dame.

"I totally won that."

"I didn't hear you okay?"

"I won!"


And so forth.... The rest of the night was spent looking at live streams and making fun of Ross. At some point, Calum was convinced there was Vodka in his Perrier from the second one. Truth is, it was hard to convince yourself there wasn't.

The night passed by with a blur, the group passing out in the living room. Honestly, that was probably the best night they all had in years. It was just them being.... Them. And they hoped it would be like that forever.

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