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I groaned at the pain coming from all over my body. My body ached and I felt so strange. Where was I? I blinked a few times before opening my eyes wide. The bright lights from the hospital blinded me. I turned around to see my mom sitting on a chair reading a book.

"Mum" I croaked attempting to sit up. She looked up and quickly got out of her seat.

"Honey don't move, I need to get the nurse" she said before quickly exiting the room. She came back shortly with the nurse that prepped me for my surgery.

"How are you feeling Liam?" She asked putting the stethoscope on my chest and checking my blood pressure.

"Fine. I'm really thirsty. Could I have some water please?" I asked.

"I need to check all your vitals first. So far you seem stable. I'll have the doctor come in and check up on you and tell you how the surgery went. If he gives me the greenlight then I'll give you some water." She smiled.

I nodded and she left to get the doctor. He came in and explained the surgery went as planned and we'll have to see within the next few days whether my body will accept or reject the new kidney. The nurse gave me some water and my throat instantly felt better. I laid on my bed with my parents sitting on the couch when Niall came.

"Niall!" I smiled as he walked in.

"Hey buddy! How are you?" He asked pulling up a chair and sitting down next to me.

"I'm great. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good. A little hungry but I'm good" he chuckled.

"You're always hungry" I laughed as he shrugged innocently.

I didn't take long for me to recover from my surgery. In fact, the doctors were amazed at how fast I was healing and how healthy I was. Within a week and a half I was finally ready to go home. I changed into some sweats and a white t-shirt that Niall had brought from home. I sat in a wheelchair with all my belongings in a bag and my discharge instructions as my mom wheeled me out to the car where Niall was waiting.

"You ready to finally go home?" Niall smiled as he opened the car door for me.
"Yes, I'm excited. I know it's just our house but I've missed being in the comfort of my own home" I sighed contently as I slowly climbed into the car. I put on my seat belt and smiled.

"Here are your things. I'm going to the store to buy some groceries to make you some warm soup okay love?" My mom said. I nodded and she smiled.

"We'll see you in a bit alright." she closed the door and waved before going to her car where my dad was waiting.

Niall gave the wheelchair to a nurse inside and came back to the car. He quickly got into the driver's seat and drove out of the hospital parking lot. If I was being honest I was really glad to finally be going home and enjoy real food instead of bland hospital food.

When we arrived home everything was like it was left. I slowly walked into the living room and hanging on the wall was a blue banner that read "Welcome Home Liam!" I smiled and chuckled.

"Do ya like it? Your mom made me hang it up for you" Niall asked grinning.

"I like it, thanks mate" I smiled and hugged him.

I set all my things back in my room. I changed into a different shirt and grabbed a blanket from the hall closet.
I sat on the couch with Niall and watched some television.

My parents finally came back from the store and my mom made some chicken noodle soup. My apartment was warm and it smelled like chicken. It finally felt like home. I don't know how to describe this feeling. Maybe it's content or appreciative, but none the less I felt happy. I felt full of life. I was content with the fact that I now had two functional kidneys. I would finally be a normal healthy boy, just like I've always wished for.

Donor  -  Liam Payne  A.U.Where stories live. Discover now