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I had gotten home from my classes to the smell of what I believe was pasta. I dropped my backpack on the floor of the living room and walked into the kitchen to see Harry standing in his 'Kiss the cook' apron. He was humming some random song whilst stirring in the pasta sauce.

"You're home early" I smirked.

"They gave me the day off so I decided to come home and cook instead of eating something already precooked or frozen." he shrugged. I turned around to head into the living room when he shouted.

"By the way Michael called, he said he'd be stopping by later to join us for dinner" I shook my head. A few days ago we had gotten into a massive fight while we were having an intense make out session. It went from kissing to yelling in a matter of seconds. I don't even remember why we were fighting in the first place.

"Thanks for letting me know!" I responded.

I grabbed my bag and walked down the hall into my room. I dropped my bag down by the door and took off my shoes and threw them into the closet. I peeled my sweater off and threw it on the floor. I sighed and sat down on my bed. I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in" I sighed not wanting to deal with the world right now.

"Relax, it's just me again" Harry chuckled laying down next to me.

"Sorry, I just thought you were Ashton coming in to complain about mikey."

"Why do you put up with his shit? I mean not to be rude because he is a mutual friend but still" he asked laying his head on my stomach. I played with his hair while thinking about my response.

"I don't know. I feel like something in me tells me he might change his ways someday. And I want to be there when that someday comes" I sighed braiding his hair. I was the only person besides him that was allowed to touch his hair.

"But what if that someday takes forever to come?" he asked.

"Then I'll keep waiting"

"And if you get tired of waiting?" he asked.

"I don't know. I guess we break up" I said. It was quiet for a few moments before the silence was interrupted.

"Are you guys having a cuddling session without me?" Ashton gasped pretending to be hurt.

"Shut up and come here already" I laughed as a big grin spread across his face and he ran up to the bed.

"Why are we having a cuddling session?" he asked snuggling closer with us.

"Because we can" Harry sassed curling up into my stomach.

"Okay then" Ashton replied. Another pleasant silence engulfed the three of us before I broke it again.

"Is something burning?" I asked.

"My pasta!" Harry screamed jumping up and running to the kitchen.

"Should I order us a pizza?" Ashton asked.

"Yes. If there's burned pasta at least let us enjoy some decent pizza" I chuckled.


We sat around the dinner table waiting for Michael to arrive. Harry suggested we wait until he arrives to eat together. I stared at the clock praying it wasn't the time it said it was. He was an hour late and I'm pretty sure the food was now cold.

"If he doesn't come in five minutes I'm going to eat without him" As soon as Ashton finished his sentence there was knocking on the door.

"I'll get it" Harry stood up and went to the front door. As soon as he opened the door a red eyed Michael came through the doorway.

"You're late" Ashton retorted.

"And?" Michael asked.

"Ashton, please don't start" I sighed standing up to go heat up the pasta in the microwave. I set the pan in the microwave and pushed start. I leaned against the counter and closed my eyes. I just needed to get through tonight. I opened my eyes when I felt a pair of lips on my neck. I looked to see Michael hovering over me, biting hard on my neck.

"Michael stop" I sighed not wanting to deal with his hormonal self. However, he didn't listen. He pulled my shirt off my shoulder and he started leaving sloppy kisses on my shoulder.

"Michael" I groaned. "Please, not right now" I tried to push him off.

"When then? You're always busy or you're not up for sex. So tell me, when?" he started raising his voice.

"You only ever want any sexual favors from me when you did something bad or you were with another girl. And that's not fair because I'm faithful to you. I don't sleep with other people yet I still have to forgive you and give you pleasures?" I frowned.

"I know I screw up alot but you know I love you. I really do" he said wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Just stop, okay? It's time for dinner anyways" I sighed pushing his arm away.

He still wouldn't listen even after the microwave started beeping signaling the food was heated. He grabbed one of my wrists and pinned me to the wall. He shoved his hand up my shirt and began touching my boobs while sucking and biting on my neck.

"No, stop" I kept repeating but it went in one ear and out the other. With my free hand I knocked some stuff from the counter off including knives, spoons, the toaster and other utensils. I then made a fist and started banging on the wall. I couldn't scream or shout for help because the walls in this damn apartment are thick. Only making so much noise would catch the boy's attention. Michael slipped his hand down my pants and as if on cue Ashton and Harry barged through the kitchen door.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Ashton shouted pulling Michael off of me.

"What the fuck!" Michael shouted swinging at Ashton. Luckily Ashton ducked and punched Michael square in the nose.

"Stop it! Both of you!" I shouted only to be ignored as they both began throwing punches and kicking each other.

"Harry do something!" I pleaded. He ran over and pryed the boys apart but seconds later they were at it again.

"You guys, stop it!" Harry shouted but it was as if the boys were in another world.

It wasn't to serious but still, one of them could get really hurt. It wasn't until Michael shoved Ashton and Ashton fell back slightly that things got worse. The punching got harder the shouting got louder and I was on the verge of having a panic attack. Both of their noses were bleeding and bruises were forming. Ashton threw another punch at Michael and he fell to the floor. It was when I saw blood oozing from Michael that I went into full panic attack mode. He sat up and his hand had been cut with the knifes on the floor. The cut looked pretty deep.

"That's it I'm calling an ambulance and the police!" Harry said.

But it was too late, the police had already arrived and they were at the door. Harry explained that it was only a fight that would just need some controlling but the police said someone else said otherwise. They walked into the kitchen and one of the officers called for an ambulance while another one began questioning Ashton who was covering his broken nose. I gasped for air but it seemed my throat was closing in on itself.

"Miss, what's wrong?" An officer noticed my struggling.

"She's having a panic attack!" Harry said searching frantically for my inhaler. He found it and quickly ran next to me. He placed the inhaler in my mouth and pumped three times.

"Breathe in and out slowly. Take deep breaths" he whispered into my ear softly as he rubbed circles in my back. I calmed down a little but I still struggled to breathe.

"Have the ambulance take her and the other boy as well so they can get checked out." the police officer ordered. Harry carried me into the ambulance while Ashton and Michael lay on the stretchers. Tonight was one hell of a night.

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