Chapter 15 - Benny

Start from the beginning

After an answering smile by Frida Benny turned around and went ahead with a jumping Frida and a lovesick couple right behind him. Immediately Frida began to talk, Benny enjoyed her voice and her happiness and of course the story she told about her "very own special adventure with a moose". She talked in a funny way, excited and full of secondary details but Benny liked it, it showed her lovable character. And of course Benny was more than interested in Frida's life and soon he wondered about one thing...

"I named it Kalle because he looked like a Kalle...", Frida finished her story and laughed her adorable laughter, "I was way childish then..." "Well, now you are not?", Agnetha said with a teasing smile. Frida made a funny face which maybe should look serious but actually it wasn't anything but cute and replied with a baby voice: "No, now I'm grown up!" Benny laughed and so did the others too, Frida was funny in a very cute way. It reminded Benny of Agnetha and he understood why they got along with each other so well.
But then he couldn't hold back the question anymore, he turned around and asked: "What's about you parents, Frida?" It was the thing he wondered about before and he was sure that Björn and Agnetha were curious too because Frida had never told anything about her parents.

Agnetha and Björn fell silent. Frida but her lip in the same way she did before and again Benny got crazy about it but when Frida finally answered: "They were dead already then...", he immediately became serious and sad. "Oh, I'm sorry then!", he said after a while, he didn't know what to say, Frida's destiny really touched him. Agnetha and Björn looked sad too, they now stood by the moose enclosure and stopped. "Uhm... Could I ask what happened to them?", Benny asked quiet, hoping that it wouldn't be impolite. "Yeah, of course", Frida said and showed a strange, kind of failed smile, "My dad has been a German soldier, his ship sank at the end of Second World War and my mother died because of a kidney failure when I was two. I didn't know my dad and in fact I didn't know mom too, so... I grew up at my grandma's." Now Frida showed a real smile, "Don't look so shocked, things like this happen." Benny nearly hugged her, somehow he became way sentimental, Frida was such a brave little soldier... Okay, he definitely became very sentimental.
"But you don't deserve a destiny like that", he finally said and then Agnetha hugged Frida. Benny was close to shot a jealous look to her but it wasn't the right time for this now.

He watched Frida again, being way proud of her and... There were tears! They were small and nearly invisible but nevertheless they were tears. Benny understood it too well and he immediately wished they would have never talked about this topic, of course it wasn't easy for Frida although it all happened a long time ago.
"Don't be sad, we're here for you!", Agnetha said, noticing the tears too. "Well that's the thing...", Frida whispered and smiled, a beautiful, tearful smile, if Benny hadn't been in love with her before, he'd fall now. "Thank you!", Frida added and watched each of them with such a thankfulness, Benny could hardly hold back an... "Awww... Hug again!", Agnetha shouted, okay, she could not hold it back, and hugged Frida so tight that she gasped for air.
"No sadness anymore please", Frida laughed when she freed from Agnetha and her laughter jingled in Benny's ears like the Christmas bells... He was a bit confused now.
"Hopefully the moose didn't leave because of you screaming Agnetha!", Frida laughed. "Well, that's me, you know", Agnetha replied and smiled, "But the moose liked it, look!"
Frida gasped again as she turned around now standing face to face with the moose. Benny smiled and said with a deep voice: "Oooh, crazy little things again! How entertaining!"
All of them laughed, Benny too, it was so easy to elicit the catching laughter of Frida. And it was even easier to join it.

The moose stepped forward and stood right before Frida now. She slowly rose her hand and touched the surely soft fur, such an expression of happiness on her face. Benny couldn't help watching her, the chocolate brown hair blowing in the wind, the stunning eyes, framed by the long cilia. She was so beautiful it nearly hurt but in a good way.

After a long while the moose turned away and left into the woods of the enclosure again. Frida looked up twinkling like waking up from a fairy tale dream. She turned around and gave Benny a big smile making him smiling back. Before he could get caught in her eyes he quickly nodded toward the path back. Agnetha and Björn were kissing and they looked so happy and full of love that Benny couldn't interrupt them. And of course he wanted to have some time alone with Frida. Maybe...

She followed him, he could hear her footsteps behind and walked slower to let her catch up.
As she walked beside him she looked up in this special way only Frida could look and he couldn't help smiling. And she answered with a smile too, shining like the sun on a hot summer day and the next thing he felt was her small hand pushing hesitantly in his. He smiled even bigger and squeezed it a bit to welcome her.

Frida smiled and he smiled and the while world seemed to smile with them.
They reached the road junction and stopped, not knowing what to do because of Björn and Agnetha. "Let's just wait here", Frida proposed and gave him another smile. "Yes lo...darling", Benny answered totally drunken of her smell. Her eyes went wide and maybe her heart missed one beat but he wasn't sure about it. He tried to smile, his heart went faster than usual as he noticed the excited sprinkle in her eyes. Awkwardly he reached for her second hand. Frida's eyes glittered and sparkled in the sunlight. And her lips looked so soft and inviting...
Benny leaned forward and...

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