After about an hour of more falling and small giggles and kisses, we returned our skates to the rental shack and began to make our way back to the car. "Hungry?" He asked.

I nodded. "I could go for like dessert or something." I said and he pulled his car keys from his pocket.

"I was thinking coffee and pastries at Starbucks?"

So it was settled. We drove to the Starbucks down the road and ordered two peppermint mochas and pumpkin bread. We settled into a booth in the corner of the cafe, and talked for what seemed like eternity.

"So what's been up?" Dan asked leaning forward on the table.

I snorted and looked up at him. "What's been up?" I repeated and he rolled his eyes.

"I don't know. I'm trying to give us something else to talk about. Anything interesting happening in your life?"

I though for a moment. I remember the detectives coming to my door that morning and nodded. "Actually, yeah. More weird than anything else. Some federal detectives came to my apartment this morning and woke me up."

"Mmm? Federal, you say?" He asked as he lifted his cup to his lips.

"I'm pretty sure. They we're being really shady and practically demanded to come into my apartment. I had to question them a whole bunch before they told me what was going on."

"And what was it they wanted?"

I began to run my fingers along the lid of my cup, feeling every groove and nook along the lettering.

"Well, I guess one of the girls who went missing recently was found dead. And there were some pictures or something of her in an apartment, and it ended up being mine. I guess she lived there. They think who ever took the pictures might have had something to do with her death." I slowly rambled. I looked up to Dan to see he was now extremely distant, looking off at the floor somewhere. I waited for a response, but received nothing.

"Dan?" I asked and his trance was broken.

"Oh no kidding?" He asked, but his tone still sounded outlandish.

I looked between his eyes to try and decipher what was going on inside his mind. After a night like tonight, I didn't want to assume the worst about him, but I couldn't help my wandering mind.

"Was she your friend that you said lived in my building?" I asked and he immediately shook his head.

"No, no. Sorry, I think I'm just tired. Do you want to get going?" He asked impatiently. I could hear his foot taping underneath the table. I watch him for a few moments later before answering.

"Yeah, sure. It's everything okay?"

"Yes. Absolutely." He rambled as he stood up. He handed me the keys to his car. "I'm going to use the bathroom right quick. You go on ahead and I'll meet you out there."

And with that, he was off. I sat in silence for a few seconds before standing numbly from the booth. The whole night had been completely perfect until now. I couldn't say I was one hundred percent, but I had a sick feeling that Dan was some how involved.

I walked out to the car and got in, evading the freezing air. I turned the car on and cranked the heat, folding my arms over my chest. I sat a few seconds longer before I got an idea; check his glove box. I didn't want to be the snoopy type, but I also hated assuming without facts.

After weighing my morals and thoughts, I looked into the Starbucks to see Dan no where. With that, I quickly popped open his glovebox. There was no light inside, and I didn't want to turn the car light on in fear he would see when he exited the bathroom. I began to shuffle through what looked like insurance and registration papers. I saw a manual book for the car, and a windshield scraper; nothing out of the ordinary.

I reached further into the box when I felt something cold and smooth. I reeled my hand back almost immediately when I made the connection; a knife. I sat still before reaching my hand back into the box. If it was as big as it had felt, I knew it wouldn't be just a self-protection sort of deal. I felt the frozen surface of the top of it and ran my fingers along it slowly, trying to determine the size.

I looked back at the Starbucks and saw Dan stepping down the steps of the front. I panicked momentarily and my hand jolted. I felt a sharp pain sting my finger as I had cut it on the knifes blade. I shoved the papers back into the box hastily and shut it. As soon as I closed the box, Dan opened the door and slid in.

"Everything good?" I asked nervously, tucking my hand into my jacket sleeve. I could feel the warm, sticky blood covering my hand from my finger.

"Yeah, sorry. I just really had to go." He smiled at me and slipped his seatbelt on. I noticed when he smiled, the dark ring that now lined the underneath of his eyes.

As we drove off in the direction of my flat, I knew this was the end of our night. But I also knew this wasn't the end of my investigation on Dan. He was hiding something major, and I was going to find out what it was.

wow hi there guys I'm so sorry it's been a while. I moved into my dorm like a week ago and classes are taking up so much of my time. but I'm FINALLY getting the hang of it, so updates will be more frequent. also sorry about any grammatical mistakes or anything. I'm updating from my phone. my roommate is asleep and I don't want to wake her. anyways, tell me what you thought as per usual. I love you all.

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