Chapter 10: A Horse and a White Bikini

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On Friday morning, the kids left and I wrote a report up of what we did that week. After lunch, I had some blessed time off, and I packed up a day pack with a huge towel, sunscreen, water (in a reusable BPA-free bottle), organic berries from the ranch, my phone, and my e-reader. I put on my white bikini under my cut-off jean shorts and a white t-shirt and set off to the beach. I asked Janine and Stephanie if they wanted to go, but both of them wanted to take naps. Fine by me, I just wanted to go and chill for a bit.

I walked the trail from the compound to the beach, which was probably about a 20 minute leisurely walk. It was easier on a horse and by the time I got to the beach, I was sweaty.

This beach was a small cove, with bluffs on all sides and rocks heading into the water. I followed a trail down to the sand that took off from where I had stopped with the horses earlier. I knew from my tour of the ranch, that there was no one around for miles, either North or South of us, except at the compound. There were no public beaches anywhere around here. While I was normally a people person, I loved the idea of a private beach, and I lay out my towel, stripped off my shorts and t-shirt, and ran into the water to cool off and wash off my sweat. Oh, was it cold! Although it was a sunny, warm June day (unlike the so-called "June gloom" of foggy weather that often happened along the California central coast), the Pacific Ocean was arctic. I splashed around for just a minute, did a handstand on my way back to my towel, and flopped down on my back, sunglasses on, and my ear buds in with dance music on my phone. My skin was still goosebumpy from the water and my nipples were all puckered. I wanted the sun to warm me up, and fast.

After a moment, I sensed a shadow over my face.

I opened my eyes and saw Will standing over me, wearing a green trucker hat that said "Justin Workboots," which barely controlled his longish hair, a tight, faded red t-shirt, and his usual jeans and boots. I tore out my earbuds and hoisted myself up on my elbows, looking up at him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Heard you went to the beach," he said. "Thought I'd give Thor some exercise."

"Your horse is named 'Thor?'" I laughed, took my sunglasses off, and looked around. He had tied the horse to a post at the edge of the small beach area.

He ignored my comment, and looked my body up and down. "You can't do this to me," he said, and he crouched down next to me, rocking back on his heels.

"Do what?" I asked, only partially innocently, since I was sticking my chest out at him.

He shook his head. "Display your sexy fucking body like that and not expect me to touch you." Guess this was my way of getting him back for his naked torso display the other day.

"Go right ahead, Cowboy," I said, and the words were barely out of my mouth when he took off his hat, put it on backwards, kneeled, leaned over, and kissed me, pulling my wet body to his dry one and holding me to him.

This was a sweeter kiss than the one we shared almost a week ago, but no less ardent. As he kissed me, with plenty of tongue, I kissed him back, feeling his warm lips on my cold ones. I was getting his t-shirt wet, but, typical Will, he didn't seem to care. Instead, as he kissed me, he trailed his fingers from my ear down my neck to my shoulder, and he broke apart from me, looking to trace the dove tattoo on my collar bone. Without saying anything, he pushed me gently back down on the towel, threw his hat down beside us, and trailed his fingers down my side, lingering on the Noah's ark and all of the animals. Then he leaned over and traced this tattoo with his tongue and his lips, muttering against my skin, "you taste like the ocean but it's so good."

Fuck, this man knew how to turn me on.

Instead of reaching to touch him, as would be my natural inclination, I just let him touch me and felt what it felt like for him to go over my body with his hands.

He moved his body over mine, between my legs, careful not to get any sand on the towel, holding himself over me, kissing me from my belly to my face. Then he took one hand and brushed it over my left breast, holding himself up with his other hand.

"Yes," I whispered, and it was all over.

He pushed my bikini top to the side, and cupped my breast, sucking my nipple hard, harder than it had ever been sucked before, and fuck me, I loved it. It sent a sensation down my body straight between my legs. After lavishing attention on one side, he switched to the other, and the sucking made me get wet, this time from me, not from the ocean.

"You taste so fucking good," he said against my breast, "salty but not. It's so good," he muttered, and he nibbled his way up my chest and to my ear, which he bit, lightly, and sucked.

Fuck, that felt good too.

His hand started to wander, as he felt my shoulder, grazed my arms, even held my hand for a minute. And then, he moved his hand over to my belly and kept going down.

I got wetter.

"I don't have a condom here," I whispered.

"For what I'm thinking, we don't need one," he said. "I just want to taste you."

Fucking awesome!

Fine by me.

His hand went into my bikini bottom and, well, aimed for the exact right place. I let out an involuntary breath. He rolled my clit with his thumb while he stuck two other fingers inside me, and shit, that felt amazing. He built me up with his fingers, and then he kissed me again on the lips, and headed down my body. Leaving me turned on, and bereft for a minute, he grasped one side of my white bikini bottom in one hand, and the other side in the other hand, and nudged it down, fully exposing my star tattoos on my hip bones. He let out a breath and first kissed one and then the other, and then pulled my bikini down all the way off of me, kneeled between my legs, and buried himself in my pussy, clutching my ass with one hand.

I'm not totally sure what he did down there, but it was AMAZING. I know that when he lapped me the entire way up my pussy, tongue wide and wet, I almost lost it just from that move alone. Then he did some sort of swirly, rolly thing with his tongue. I don't know what it was, but I didn't want him to stop and I told him so, loudly. He kept his fingers going for good measure. So, between the wide lapping of his tongue, the swirling and teasing, and his fingers in the exact right spots, it didn't take me long to come.

When I come, the world shuts down. I can't hear anything, I can't see anything. There is only my body, there is only tension, there is only the sensation of clenching all over, and then there is this sweet release, that lets it all out, flooding my entire body with pleasure.

God, that felt good.

But Will Thrash wasn't done with only one episode of Sex on the Beach. He kept going with his tongue and his fingers, and he brought me over the edge again, and again.

Oh my God.

Finally, I had to say, "Stop!" because I thought I was going to die from the pleasure. Crazy!

He leaned back on his heels and looked at me intensely.

"I want nothing more than to bury myself in you," he said. "Go out to dinner with me tonight. I want you in my bed after."

I was in no state to argue with him.

"But what about you?" I asked. "Let me return the favor."

"Tonight," he said.

He handed me my bikini bottom and I put it back on and adjusted my top. I can't believe I just had an orgasm (or more than one) in public. On the beach!

Like I said, though, I was a bit of an exhibitionist.

Will lay down next to me for a while until my breathing regulated. Then he asked me, "Do you want to go back with me now or are you going to stay here for a while?"

"I'll stay here for a while," I said.

"Okay," he said. "Come get me at the ranch house when you want to go to dinner. Let's aim for leaving around six, because it's a drive."

He kissed me again, put his hat back on, sauntered over to his horse, got on, and took off up the bluff.

I lay on the towel, feeling sated and warm, and looking forward to a date with Will.

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