Chapter 7: Hay

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Something shifted during the ride in the gas-guzzling, mega truck back to the Headlands Ranch compound. Instead of me asking Will questions and receiving one word answers from him in response, he started asking me questions: about my family (my older brother, responsible, my younger sister, not), my school, my work, and my friends. And me being me, of course I talked lots. There was something so attractive about this strong, mostly silent guy, taking an active interest in me, seeming to really listen, and asking follow up questions. This was probably because we were talking about "safe" topics, not politics or country music, which would have put us both into our default positions of protecting our belief systems. It was much better when we were being ourselves, without the labels.

As we drove, I became acutely aware of the distance between us in the truck cab. He was so close, but not, since he was not touching me. While it was comfortable to talk with him, I kept watching him: the muscles on his powerful thighs flexing as he moved his leg from the gas to the brake and back; his defined biceps and forearms clenching as he shifted the car into drive and back into park; his flat belly moving as he spoke or took a breath; his dark eyes looking at me during the times that he tore his gaze away from the dirt road; his hewn jaw twitching if he found something I said amusing.

He drove me to a few other places on the ranch, which, size-wise was ridiculously large. I have no idea how many acres we saw; it seemed like his family owned half of California. I saw some corrals for the cattle, more of the orchards, and some of the fields of row crops (or "truck crops" as Will called them). He also drove me to a section that had vineyards, and then to the Headlands Ranch winery, which was a corrugated metal building with stainless steel wine-making apparatus inside. I immediately thought that I needed to see the movie "Sideways," which was filmed in this area, but he told me he wasn't a fan of it. Apparently nearer to the highway, there was a small tasting room for the winery and he told me he would take me there to try the wine when we got a chance. Was there a potential for going on a date with Will, in public? I liked that idea, a lot.

When we arrived at the compound, he parked the truck and Trixie jumped out. I leaped out of the high truck cab, and Will came around and walked me up to the bunkhouse. So, apparently for every Asshole Will, there was a Gentleman Will, too. When we got to the bunkhouse, he looked down at me, ran his hand through his longish, wavy dark hair, and gave me a half-smile and took off.

I watched him saunter back to his house, Trixie prancing at his side.


How was your second day of work?

This was Amelia.

I found out the hot guy who I thought is my boss is not actually my boss and he wants to do the nasty with me.

I thought this was summer camp, not a swinger's club.

We are complete political opposites and he is an asshole ... sometimes.

How much of an asshole?

So far, less than fifty percent.

How hot?

Scale of 1 to 10?



Do the politics matter that much?

I don't know. I mean, yes, of course they do. This is me we're talking about. I live my beliefs.


I know. He's gorgeous, Amelia. I want to lick him. What do I do?

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