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Eliot was at my door at exactly 5 o clock.

I got back to my apartment half an hour ago. Thank goodness for my cousin whose always there to help me whenever I need her and today was just one of those days. 

Tisha picked out my outfit and helped me get ready in under a half an hour, just in time for Eliot's arrival.

"Babe you look beautiful, as always" Eliot approached me and kissed my cheeks.

"Thank you baby, at least that makes one of us" I joked, then I pecked his lips, "I'm just messing with you, you make anything look sexy."

"So Eliot should  I wait up tonight or nah" Tish said with a slight grin on her face.

"Goodnight Tish" I responded while taking Eliot by the hand and leading him to the door before Tisha could utter another word.

"Have fun Melz" I heard Tisha laughing from the other side of our apartment door.

We got inside Eliot's car and was on our way to Eliot's parents home, which is like an hour away from campus. During our long hour drive to our destination Eliot and I shared slight conversations about our day and how frustrated he was with one of his business lecturers today but we mostly enjoyed the jazz music that was playing through the radio while Eliot held my right hand in his left hand and his right hand on the staring wheel. 

We enter a suburban area, you can tell by the way the pavement looks that the people who live here are extremely wealthy.

"Where are we?" I asked, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"Greenwich Connecticut, why?"

"Just wanted to know where I am, I am a Trini remember, everything is new to me in the US"

We pull up to what seems to be the biggest house in the street, they got security booths on each side of the gate and is that guns on the security guards waist belt, wtf.

The guards instantly opened the gates to let Eliot in, nodding their heads at him as he passes the booths. I'm in awe already, but I try not to show it.

We park at the entrance of the house and there's a valet waiting to open our doors and park Eliot's car.

"Okay, so we're here, are you nervous?" Eliot asked, not letting go of my hands.

"do I look composed to you, of course I'm nervous" I flipped out on him, but he laughed it out, smh.

"Don't be babe, look whether my parents like me or not, I'm not going anywhere, I love you" Eliot reassured me.

I think that that's what I needed to hear because when he said that I felt like my worries about his parents liking me immediately left my body and I was free to be myself.

"Okay, I'm ready" I say and opened the door, to which the valet helped me out and found Eliot on the other side of the vehicle, he cupped my hand in his and we enter the doors of this intimidatingly huge house. 

"Good but let me warn you, my mom's a huger"

WOW, I said in my mind as we entered the house. My eyes drifted everywhere. My grandfather would love this house. He usually take ideas from looking at really nice homes and try to interpret it into our home. I do live in a big home back in Trinidad, one would say a mansion but for me it's just home, but this house takes the cake.

A woman in her late forties came running towards us. Eliot let go of my hand and embraced the woman in a heart warming hug.

"My son" she said then kissed him on both cheeks.

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