He seized it into his own, sliding off the bed and smiling at me. Leaning forward, he pecked me on the lips, and I chuckled, "We're gonna go pay a visit to Liam and Niall... and I need to call Zayn and tell him I'm not coming in to work today after all."

"We are not going to work?" he asked.

"Nope, we're gonna relax and tell people about the baby," I brushed a curl off his forehead.

Harry's face broke into a grin, and he looked to the hand covering his tummy, "Jelly Bean!"

"Yep," I chuckled.

Harry's eyes suddenly widened, "Hungry... but Jelly Bean! Dr. Shell! How do I feed my Jelly Bean?!"

Dr. Shell walked over with a small grin on his face, carrying an envelope in his hands, "By eating, Harry. What you eat feeds your baby, too."

"Oh," Harry seemed surprised. "If I am hungry... Jelly Bean is, too?"

"Not necessarily," he chuckled. "But it's helpful to eat if you're hungry. You need to stay healthy for your baby."

"And for me," I placed a hand on Harry's tummy hesitantly.

Harry beamed at me, placing his hand over my own, "Ours!"

"Ours," I agreed, feeling tears well up in my eyes once again.

Dr. Shell continued speaking to Harry, however, "Since you're the carrier of the baby, you are responsible for making sure the baby is safe and healthy. Don't wrestle around, don't do anything to jostle yourself, don't hit your stomach against things. You don't want to do anything that could hurt yourself that could hurt the baby as well... things like that could make you miscarry... or, in other words, you could lose your baby."

"Where would Jelly Bean go?" Harry paled. "Wait... lost forever?!"

"Yes, Harry," he nodded solemnly. "The baby could die."

"N-no!" he whimpered. "Cannot, Jelly Bean cannot! Please? I do not want to lose the Jelly Bean I just got! Just got my Jelly Bean!"

I looked to Dr. Shell in a panic, not liking the idea of something happening to the baby, either. I also remembered the bald man mentioning that if Harry miscarried he could get really sick as well, "Lucca..."

"I'm sure nothing will happen," Dr. Shell assured, handing me the envelope. "You're pregnancy will be fine, Harry, and you'll get your baby. And you silly boy, you've had your 'Jelly Bean' for three months now!"

I opened the envelope, pulling out several pieces of plastic. Sonograms of our baby. There were four of them, all catching the baby during in different postions from it's squirmy period of time on the ultrasound. I gaped at the pictures, a few tears escaping my eyes as I breathed out, "Oh..."

Harry made a squeaking sound, looking at the pictures and rubbing a finger across them before rubbing his tummy.

"What will Jelly Bean look like?" Harry asked with a sniffle, rubbing the panicked tears from his face. "I have seen a baby. It did not look like a jelly bean."

"Jelly Bean..." Dr. Shell said slowly, testing out the name. "Will look like a mix of you and Louis. If I can find a better ultrasound we can be able to see soon if the baby has ears like you do, Harry."

Excitement was beginning to grow inside of me. We were going to have a baby. A little mix of Harry and me that was going to be something entirely our own, something we'd made from love, and I didn't know that I was able to feel such a strong form of love. I'd already loved Harry with all my heart, but now that it was Harry and baby I loved them both so much more than I thought possible. I tucked the envelope inside my waistband carefully so that it couldn't get crinkled

Uniquely Three - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book3}Where stories live. Discover now