My Green Eyes

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Author's Note

This is the last chapter.

~Wednesday, April 24th~

{Natalie's POV}

Tomorrow is the day. The day I've been waiting for ever since I started skating. The day I've been dreaming to happen.


I had to fly out all the way to L.A. for this competition. To me, that's scary. I've never liked flying, and I had to go alone. Since it's in the middle of the week Mae and Gage couldn't come because their parents didn't want them to. At first I was upset but now I understand.

The plane ride was only four hours long so it's wasn't that bad. But being on it alone is worse. I had nothing to do. I've never been someone who is able to read on a plane or in a car.

Finally I landed. I ended up sleeping most of the ride so I wasn't bored. But once I get to my hotel room I'm going to be so bored. If Harry were here then I definitely wouldn't be bored, if you know what I mean.

After that night we woke up the next morning and just laid in that bed talking. But we soon had to leave because Harry had to fly back to London. Our goodbye wasn't exactly like the last one. We cried, kissed, said we loved each other, but this time I didn't see Peter.

I'm not proud of what Harry did to him, but now I know he won't bug Cassidy and I. All month I've been talking to Harry over phone calls, texts, and Skype. It's not the same as in person, but it's better than nothing.

I stepped out of the terminal and started walking towards luggage pick up when I saw a guy dressed in a suit with a driver cap holding a sign that says 'Natalie Boothe'. That can't be for me. There must be another Natalie Boothe here. But the guy has my luggage next to him.

As I walked closer I saw the curls sticking out from under his hat. It can't be him. He's supposed to be in London, not America. "Harry?" I asked doubtfully and just as I did the guy's head popped up showing the green pair of eyes I've missed so much.

I squealed in excitement before running at him and jumping into his arms. "I missed you so much!" He whispered into my ear. A tear of joy slipped out of my eye and down my cheek as I whispered back "I missed you too."

"C'mon lets get you back to the hotel. You look tired." He said as he took my luggage in one of his hands and my hand in his other. I stared at him confused. It's only eight o'clock here. Back home I'd be eleven but I slept the entire ride. "Well you will be after tonight." He whispered, his hot breath hitting the skin on my neck sending chills down my spine.


I woke up to my alarm clock on my phone blasting into my ear. Instead of hitting snooze like I would on most days I turned it off and climbed out of bed. Today's the day. I'm ready for this. I can't focus on anything except for this.

I walked towards the bathroom grabbing all of my toiletries and went to take a shower. Throughout the entire shower I played my song for today on low. When I woke up Harry was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him.

But as I walked back into the hotel room with a towel wrapped around myself I saw Harry stretching while still sitting on the bed. "Morning sleepy head." I said as I opened up my suitcase to get my leotard for today. "Morning." Harry mumbled as he shook his curls with his hands. I couldn't help but stare at him for a minute. He looks insanely cute when he does that.


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It's time. This is it. If I mess up then I lose. I can't afford to lose. I've worked too hard to get this far and not win. I will get this.

"You got this Nat. You're going to kick ass today. No matter what I will love you. Win or lose you will always be a winner in my eyes." Harry said to me as the girl before me finished up her routine. I nodded, not able to build words. I'm too focused on playing my routine in my head.

"Next up is Natalie Boothe." The crowd started to clap but there were many screams. I instantly knew they were screaming because Harry is my boyfriend. That's something I won't get used to. People cheering for me just because I'm dating Harry Styles.

I skated onto the ice and did my starting pose. 'Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself)' by NeYo came on. The song that Harry and I first danced to on our first date. It was hard to convince Mae to let me skate to this.

Since it's more upbeat it harder to make my routine elegant. But after a few hours of begging and bribing she caved. I have to organise her closet and shoes but it's worth it.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and started to skate. I used all of my energy and strength to do the moves. What we did last night wasn't smart to do before a competition. I'm still tired but after the red bull that Harry gave me I perked up a bit.


I was the last one to skate so after thirty minutes of waiting, Harry signing things, and Harry and I taking pictures with fans it was time to announce the winners. My body shook with nerves.

I have to win this. Not just because I want to but because I need to. I need to win this for my parents, Cassidy, Mae, Gage, and Harry. If I lose it would've been a waste for Harry to come here. He told me yesterday that he flew out to L.A. just to see me skate at Nationals.

As the judge announced third and second place I zoned out because I didn't hear my name. My body slowly started to stop shaking but my heart continued to beat against my ribs. I tried taking deep breaths to come myself but it didn't help. "You got this Natty." I whispered to me as he squeezed my hand.

I wish Mae and Gage were here. They've helped me with my skating all this time and they're not here to witness this. Even if I lose it's still amazing how far I got, right? "First place is..." The judge trailed off as the crowd bagged their feet against the metal bleachers.

I shut my eyes to try and calm myself. Once again it didn't work. "Natalie Boothe!" The crowd erupted into cheers as my eyes popped open. Before I could do anything Harry pulled me into a tight hug. "I told you so. I'm so proud of you." A single tear of joy dripped down my cheek as a smile grew on my lips.

I skated out to the judges, my smile growing with each stride. He placed the medal around my neck and handed me the trophy as he congratulated me. People threw flowers onto the ice while screaming. I looked over at the boy that has a smile just as big as mine. I once thought of him as green eyes. Now he's my

green eyes and I love him.

The End.

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