First Date

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{Harry's POV}

"Zayn!" I yelled at the top of my lungs with annoyance ringing throughout my voice. I've been trying to find the perfect outfit to wear for my date with Natalie for am hour and can't find anything.

Oh God, I sound like a teenage girl!

"What?" Zayn answered irritably as he entered my room. His hair was a bit messed up and his eyelids are slightly drooping. I chuckled a little knowing I woke him up, even though it's only 6pm he must of been having a nap. "I need help picking out clothes for my date." I informed him as I dug through my clothes in my suitcase. He groaned then mumbled "I'll be back in a minute."

I watched his sleepy figure leave the room then turned my attention back to my clothes. "Girls! Can you help Harry? He needs help with his clothes!" Zayn yelled and a moment later I heard his bedroom door slam shut. Well someone is grouchy after being woken up from his nap.

A minute later all four girls entered my room with bright smiles. What the hell have I gotten myself into. They're all going to want to do different things. One will want to pick my shoes, another my shirt, a third my pants, an the forth will want to do my hair. "We're here to help!" Avery cheered then sat down next to me and started to look at my clothes. The other girls followed on suit.

"I want to look nice but casual. I can't look to casual or she will think I didn't try enough. But if I look to nice she will think I tried to much." I rambled until they all started giggling. "Harry, none of us have ever worried as much as you are when we go on dates." They all started to laugh harder while I sat there blushing.

Once they finally calmed down from laughing each of them took a different job. Just like I said, one for hair, one for shoes, one for pants, one for shirt. What did I get myself into? "Harry what colour shirt do you want?" Izzie asked with her American accent sticking out.

Her and Mandy are both American, while Avery and Haley are both British. But Haley is a mix of Irish and British.

"Um...I...I don't know that's why I need help!" I groaned while flopping down on my back on my bed.

I've never been this stressed about a date. Natalie is just so...different. She's shy, yet when she's with Mae and Gage she's like a totally different person. I want tonight to be perfect so she will open up to me.

"Harry that's so freakin' cute!" Mandy exclaimed causing me to be confused. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked at all the girls who are smiling at me. What did I say? Shoot! "I said that out loud, didn't I?" They all giggled and nodded. I groaned as I flopped back down on back.

"Stand up Harry. We're done." Haley commanded me. I obeyed not wanting to get in trouble, and looked at the outfit they picked out. It's a white dress shirt with vertical lines of small black dots on it, with black skinnies, and black dress shoes.

A smile slipped across my lips as I examined it. This is perfect, how did I not think of it. I started to take off my tee-shirt not caring at all that the girls are here. They didn't mind though, all of them went on their phones. As I started to take my pants off all of the girls gasped then covered their eyes. "Harold what the hell?" Haley shrieked as she placed one hand over her eyes and her other hand over Izzie's. Izzie is the youngest out of all of them so they treat her like a baby, the same way the boys do to me.

"What? I'm just changing." I told them as I slipped on the pair of skinnies. Mandy scoffed then left the room. The rest of the girls followed her trail. A chuckle escaped my lips as I watched them leave with red faces. Awe, I embarrassed them!

When I finished getting dress I called Mandy back in because she was the one who wanted to do my hair. "Before I do your hair, tuck your shirt in." I followed her orders and tucked my shirt in. She handed me a black belt, and I threaded it through the belt loops in my pants. "Well I personally think your hair looks nice up with the quiff you've been doing recently but the 18 year old girls seem to like it better down." Mandy said as she shook my curls around with her hands.

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