Best Birthday Gift

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~Friday, February 1st~

{Natalie's POV}

The sharp pounding in my head is going full force and hurt's a lot! The only parts of me hurt is my head and ankle.

I opened my eyes but immediately shut them once the bright lights shined on them. This time I cautiously opened them to get used to the light. Once I opened them I was confused by the scenery. The walls are a dull gray, there are two gray metal uncomfortable looking chairs on my right and two on my left. The thing that caught my attention was Harry has one of the chairs on my left pulled up next to me and his head is resting on the bed I'm in next to my waist.

Wait, am I in a hospital? Why am I in a hospital?

What I can't get over is how cute Harry looks. His curls are messily covering his forehead and his eyes, and his lips are slightly parted as soft snores escape them.

I ran my fingers through his curls to pull them away from his face. Then lightly shook his awake. Once his eyes open a yawn slipped out of his mouth. I giggled making his head shot up to look at me. His eyes are wide and a smile is spread across his lips.

"Nat you're awake!" He exclaimed while wrapping his arms around me. I flinched at how loud he was since my head is still pounding. I'm not sure he notice because he was too busy whispering in my ear how much he missed me.

"I'm going to get the doctor, okay?" I nodded and giggled at how adorable he is. He still has bed head and his clothes are all wrinkled. If he wasn't in One Direction and nobody knew who he was people would think he's a hobo.

Once Harry left the room I looked around for a clock, but there wasn't one. If Harry was sleeping then it's either really late at night or early in the morning. I spotted an iPhone sitting on the the chair to my left, the one Harry wasn't sitting in. As I went to reach for it the doctor came in.

"Ah Natalie so you are awake. How are you feeling?" The doctor that looks like he's in his mid-forties asked. "My head is killing me and my ankle hurts. But can I ask why I'm here?" The doctor and Harry shared a worried look then turned back to me. Why is it so bad I asked what happened?

"Before I tell you I'm going to ask you a few questions, okay?" I nodded to the doctor and gave Harry a worried look, but he looks even more scared then I do. Why is he scared though?

"What year is it?" Did he really ask that question? I'm not stupid. "2013." He nodded then asked his next question "Do you know this boy?" I nodded and a small smile spread on Harry's lips but then it disappeared as if he thought of something negative.

"How do you know this boy?" The doctor questioned. Harry looks terrified. Does he think I forgot him? "He's my boyfriend." Once I said that a wide smile took over Harry's worried expression. Harry came over to me, took my hand, and kissed it.

"What was the last thing you remember?" Harry's smile faded again and so did mine. "I was at my skating practice and I kept messing up my routine because I kept thinking of Harry." The doctor nodded as I looked down at my hands.

"Well you're here because you got hurt while skating. Harry found you unconscious on the ice." My head shot up and looked at Harry. His eyes are full of tears. All I want to do is give him a kiss to assure him I'm alright. "Thank you." I whispered to him. He nodded and placed a kiss on my forehead.

I can't believe Harry found me unconscious! Why did he come back? I thought he had to go to the airport? Shouldn't he be gone by now? Is it still the 28th? "What's today's date?" I asked no one in particular. "February 1st and it's around three in the morning." The doctor replied, not looking up from his clipboard. I've been asleep for four days? And Harry's still here? He's sitting at the hospital with his girlfriend while he's supposed to be with his band. "Happy birthday Harry!" I exclaimed while wrapping my arms around his torso. He chuckled and hugged me back.

"I have to take some tests on Natalie to see how bad her concussion is, so Harry do you mind stepping in the hall?" The doctor asked causing us to break away from our hug. Well I guess someone doesn't like young love.

{Harry's POV}

I stepped out into the hall with a huge smile. The first thing I did was ring Louis. All the boys and girls went back to England but I stayed back. I insisted on staying with Natalie at all times. Simon and management weren't to happy, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to leave Natalie unconscious and alone.

Cassidy has came when she didn't have class to come and wait with me while Natalie stayed asleep. She has told me stories from when Natalie was little, like cute things she did, or embarrassing things. Her and I have bonded over the past four days. Each night I've sent Cassidy home to sleep and change. She's tried to convince me to sleep at her house but I didn't want to leave Natalie. I've showered at her house and we took turns cooking at her house then bringing it back to the other person at the hospital to eat.

"Hello?" Louis' energetic voice filled my ears. It's 3:12 am here so it's 8:12 am back home. This is a normal time for him to be awake.

"She's awake!" I cheered into the phone, not caring if I were to loud.

"That's great Haz! are you coming home?" His voice started out excited but when he asked when I was coming back it didn't sound like his peppy self.

"Once Natalie gets settled in and is okay again. That will probably be a few days." I heard him sigh over the phone.

"Okay. Tell her I said get well soon. Happy birthday Hazza!" He yelled the last part then hung up. I chuckled and shook my head at my phone. That boy's emotions change so quickly.

I sent Cassidy a text saying

"Nat is awake! I'll bring her home when the doc says I can! -Harry"

I looked back at the door to Natalie's room and the doctor still hasn't come out yet. Nervously, I started to tap my phone against my thigh. She has to be alright, right? She remembers me and everything else except the incident. But other than that she's okay.

When the doctor asked her how she knew me I was terrified. I thought she was going to say "He's green eyes" or "We went on a date together" or something like that. It scared the wits out of me. But once she said he's my boyfriend it felt like a big weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Now everything is going to be okay.

The door of Natalie's room snapped me out of my thoughts. "Natalie is changing she'll be out in a minute. You can take her home and here is her prescription for her medicine for her concussion." The doctor stated while handing me a piece of paper then walking down the hall. Well I guess someone doesn't like having to work very early in the morning. Who am I kidding, no one likes to work this early in the morning.


When we arrived at Natalie's house she was looked half asleep but still excited to be home. I'm not sure where to go though. I didn't book a hotel room because I've been sleeping at the hospital with Nat and showering at her house. "Well aren't you coming inside?" Nat asked with a big smile. I chuckled at her and nodded.

As we stepped inside Cassidy was sitting at the island with a mug, probably filled with coffee, sitting in front of her. When she heard our footsteps she turned towards us and smile. Before anyone could say anything she engulfed Natalie in a hug.

"Harry you can either sleep on the couch or in my room." Natalie offered once we were upstairs and Cassidy went to bed. "If I sleep in your room will you be in the bed to?" I asked with a cheeky smile as I put my hands on her waist and pulled her closer to me. A blush spread across her cheeks as she looked at our feet and nodded. I placed a kiss on her forehead then climbed into her bed. Luckily I wore sweat pants last night when I fell asleep at the hospital.

We both laid down in Nat's bed and I pulled her to me. My arms wrapped around her waist while hers did the same to mine, and her head rested on my chest. This is what I've missed for the past few days. The craving of having Natalie in my arms was driving me insane. The coldness she gave me when I found her felt so odd. I was used to her regular heat. And now the heat is back. "Happy birthday Harry, love you." Another smile etched across my lips as I pressed my lips to the top of Natalie's head. "Thank you. Love you too babe." So far this is the best birthday gift.

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