Green Eyes

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{Harry's POV}

After the two girls ignored me when I called out to them I slapped Louis in the back of his head. "What was that for?" He screeched as Izzie walked towards us. But before I could answer Izzie slapped him in the same spot I did while saying "Why the hell did you hit her? And why the hell would you tell her so looks like a boy?" Wait, did Louis tell her she looks like a boy? No he said he was sorry because he thought she was me. Well we are dressed similar, and our hair looks alike when she had her beanie on. "No I didn't." He argued with her. "Lou yes you did! You said she looks like me! And I'm a boy!" I joined in. Louis looked at me, then at where the girls were walking, then back at me. "Game is over! Follow me!" He yelled then started running in the direction where the girls were going. Why is he following them?

Liam, Haley, Avery, and Zayn came out of the woods walking towards us looking confused. "I said follow me! So move your lazy bums and hurry up!" He yelled again causing his voice to echo throughout the woods. Everyone looked confused besides Izzie and I. "Just follow him and we'll explain it once we get to where we have to go." I informed them. They all shared a look as Izzie and I started running towards Louis.

By the time we caught up to Louis, Mandy and Niall joined us looking just as confused as the others. He stopped in front of an ice rink arena. "I. Saw. Them. Go. Through. Here." Louis informed us in between breaths. I finally caught on to why we ran here. He wants to apologise to her for saying she looks likes me. Which isn't an insult really I'm fit, well unless you're a girl it's an insult. Okay, that sounded very self-centred and vain.

As I was thinking this Izzie explained everything that happened with the mysterious girls. Then I saw everyone running inside. I quickly snapped back to reality and followed them in. There are three glass double doors one on each wall, a snack bar that's closed, a mini sports shop, and game room. "I'm guessing that they went through one of the glass doors." Avery said while jogging to one of the doors and looking in. She turned back towards us and shook her head. I ran up to the second doors and looked in. I opened the door and saw the curly haired girl gliding across the ice as Use Somebody by Kings of Leon was playing. "Guy's in here!" I yelled and they all walked over. Why are they going so slow?

Once they finally reached me I ran in but stopped once I got to the bleachers, then quietly walked up them to the top trying to get noticed and make to much noise on the metal stands. I took a quick look around and noticed it was just a janitor cleaning, the girl Louis insulted, a boy with dirty blonde hair that's styled like Louis used to do his, messy but still looks neat, and the girl that was with her that has straight brown hair and was giving Lou a dirty glare, but I don't blame her Lou hit her friend in the faces with a snowball. There was a perfect view of her up from up here. I can't get the imagine of her eyes out of my head. They're absolutely breath taking. They start out as a soft blue in the middle then fade out to a misty green. For the brief time I got to stare at them they made me want to stay like that all day.

By the time everyone reached me they gave me weird looks, except the girls. They've probably noticed that I want to watch her. She moves cleanly and elegantly as she dances across the ice. The girl that was with her would call out corrections politely every once and awhile and the figure skater would obey.

"Harry, can I have the food?" Niall whispered quietly so he wouldn't disrupt the figure skater. I guess Liam teaching him manners is finally paying off. Without taking my eyes off the dancer I took off the book bag and gave it to him.

I watched in awe as she finished the routine off posing and taking deep breaths. She turned towards the other two, and they each gave her a thumbs up. "So why were you two late?" The boy asked as the figure skater went towards the bench to get water. "Some boy hit Nat in the face with a snowball." The brunet with straight hair snapped.

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