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A/N Sorry about how it said there was an chapter called Competition Day. It kept uploading when it wasn't supposed to. So sorry. Please read the A/N at the end.

{Natalie's POV}

Today is big day. Like huge! It's my 18th birthday, the Maine Sectionals Figure Skating competition, and my first date. If I get first, second, or third out of everyone who is in the entire competition at Sectionals I go to Regionals. At Regionals the winners from a few different states come, and if I do the same in Regionals as Sectionals I go to Nationals. If I win first at Nationals then I would win first place for the entire country.

So today is the start of something very big. I have to put all of my concentration into this, I can't have any distractions. Today is all about winning until 2pm when the competition is over.

My phone buzzed snapping me out of my thoughts. Harry ;)

Is ur figure skating competition where u practice? Xx Harry

Why does he want to know? Not that it's a bad thing, but he would probably be bored the entire time. Is he thinking of coming?

Yeah. Are u comin? Xx Natalie

If he comes this will just make me more nervous. What if I lose and he won't want to go on our date later? No he wouldn't do that, because he already saw me fall in my butt looking like a total idiot and he still asked me out.

Maybe ;) can't wait for our date tonight! Good luck today if I don't see u before u sk8! Xx Harry

So he is coming! He practically admitted it, right? Yes I'm right he said "Good luck today if I don't see you before" so that means he is coming. Oh my gosh! I get to see Harry before our date!

I sat down on the bench in the locker room staring at my phone screen. So he is coming. He's going to be here soon. The competition starts in 20 minutes, but I don't go on for an hour or more.

I can't wait either. And thanks. Maybe I'll see u soon. It starts soon but I don't skate for an hour or so. Xx Natalie

I plugged my headphones into my phone then put them on. All day I've been listening to Yesterday and replaying my routine in my head.

Move by move. Jump by jump. Turn by turn. Spin by spin.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I saw Mae standing there with a smile. "C'mon you have visitors." Before I could reply she grabbed my by my arm and pulled me out of the locker room. "Mae what are you talking about?" I asked as I took my headphones out. She didn't answer and kept pulling me along.

As we continued to walk and brush past people I saw who she was taking me to. Harry, Louis, Niall, a brown haired boy, black haired boy, Mandy, a brown curly haired girl, a brown wavy haired girl, and a black haired girl were all talking to each other.

"Mae, please don't make me do this. That's a lot of people." I begged as I stopped moving my feet and coming to a halt. She stood in front of me then placed her hands on my shoulders. Her green eyes that become yellow towards the pupil stared me down making me feel a bit small. "You can do this. Your shyness is just an obstacle that you can get past, I know you can do this. Trust me." Mae encouraged me. I smiled with a slight nod causing Mae to shriek a little.

We hooked arms and walked towards them. The entire walk towards them felt like forever even though it was only about ten feet. I took a deep breaths.

When we reached them I felt butterflies flutter around in my stomach when Harry smiled at me. I noticed his deep dimples as he smiled which made the butterflies even worse. "Hi." I said quietly. Hopefully they heard me. "Hi." The girls chorused while waving. "I'm Izzie." Said the curly brown haired girl. "Avery." Said the black haired girl. "Haley." The girl with wavy brown hair said to me. I shook hands with all three of them while smiling. "This is Liam, Zayn, and Louis." Harry informed me while pointing to each boy. The brunet is Liam and the black haired boy is Zayn. I shook hands with them except Louis. "Haz we already met." Louis teased to Harry causing him to blush.

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