Heart Eyes Howell Meets Love Eyes Lester

Start from the beginning

"Phil, I think... I think I'm in love with you. Not just recently, but for a really long time. I was going to say something after Tyler left for the collab video, but seeing as you know, zombies taking over the world and all, I couldn't find it in me to say something. I'm.. I was scared of something happening to us right after I said something happening. I'm still scared of it but... I would rather say it and something bad happen than something happening to you and I never said anything." 

Dan felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest, but it completely stopped. Dan felt Phil's meet his, and they were kissing again. It wasn't long, but it was surely longer than when Phil kissed him for the dare. It was sweet and simple, and when Phil pulled back, Dan saw him smiling. His heart swelled and he felt a blush creep onto his face.

"I love you too, Dan! And I'm really happy you made the first move because I don't think I could have done that.. that was really brave of you." Phil was smiling, but his cheeks were turning red, even under all the dirt on his face.

Dan huffed. He wanted to be mad, but he couldn't. Phil was just as scared as Dan was to make the first move, even after the truth of dare kiss. It was nice to know that he wasn't the only one who was afraid. 

And the night progressed nicely. They found more blankets, made a small blanket nest to share, and Dan would be lying if he said that they didn't kiss half the night. They were probably trying to make up for the months they spent afraid to finally letting all the fluffy feelings out. Maybe next month they would let out all the sexual tension feelings, but for now, Heart Eyes Howell was living it up just kissing his Love Eyes Lester.

Though, when dawn came, Dan thought he would be able to kiss Phil more, have a good morning, let Tyler slowly figure out that they were a couple now, and just make the best out of the zombie apocalypse. 

That wasn't going to happen.

Dan and Phil were curled up together, but awoken by people storming in and demanding they get up and put their hands their heads. Dan was tired and just waking up, which sometimes took ten minutes for him to fully wake up, and just complied. When his eyes adjusted, he noticed two things; one, the people shouting were barely 13 and two, Tyler and Troye were behind the girl with short hair the color of Dan's, wrists tied. 

The girl in front of Troye and Tyler was holding a gun right at Dan's head. His breathing was coming rapidly and shortly. Dan just confessed his feelings for Phil and now there was a gun being pointed at his head. He figured that this was almost as bad as Hello Internet. He literally just told Phil his feelings, spent the night kissing, and not this! How come his worst possible scenario always came true?

The teenie booper who was aiming at Dan said, "gather up any blankets, extra food, water, and weapons that you found here that you didn't bring here. Set them in a pile over there," she gestured towards Dan right then continued, "then pack whatever you already had and leave. Don't return unless you want a bullet through your brains. You'll get your friends once you're packed and out. Also, if you try anything funny, we won't hesitate to kill either one of you, Dan Howell and Phil Lester."

So they kid knew who they were. Well that was just great. First it was crazed teenage girls who surrounded them when they were leaving a hotel to crazed teenagers threatening them to get out with guns. Dan started to miss the crazed fangirls outside his hotel because he knew what they wanted and could awkwardly smile his way out of those crowds. Right now, he couldn't smile and bullshit his way out of this. 

Dan and Phil did as directed, only leaving them with their backpacks, their original guns with some ammo, their knives, the bit of food and water they had, their sleeping bags, and Dan took the Cards Against Humanity game (what? He really wanted it and that wasn't part of the teen's list so he should be fine). One of the boys who was guarding Tyler and Troye opened the door for Dan and Phil. The two of them waited across the street on a bench for Tyler and Troye to walk out. When they finally walked out, Dan almost wanted to punch them. But when they walked closer, Dan's anger faded.

Troye's lip was busted and blood was dried. He had a black eye and his ear was cut. His neck looked bruised too, like their was a rope around it at some point. His wrists had the same bruises. His nose also looked crooked, like it was busted and he had to fix it on his own. His clothes also seemed more dirt stained than usual, with some blood. His hair also had some blood to it too.

Dan's stomach did back flips when he looked at Tyler. His lips was busted and had dried blood, a bruised eye and his cheeks had small cuts and bruises. Dried blood was under his nose, like he had a really bad nose bleed but couldn't cover it or wipe it away. He had bruises on his neck and wrists like Troye. His shirt had a lot of blood on it, as if his nose bleed wasn't the only source of the blood stain. Dan's stomach turned even more at the thought of Tyler bleeding from more places that just his nose

He could only imagine his friend coughing up blood from being beaten or cuts bleeding into his shirt and sticking, and when he moved, the dried blood pulled his skin and hurt worse, also making the wounds bleed again. Dan hoped they were allowed to use the bathroom somewhere because just the though of them being dirty and beaten and blood and having to relieve themselves in their pants just made Dan want to puke. He almost wanted go ask so their horrid idea could be put to rest,but he feared the idea was what Tyler would tell them.

It took almost all day to find a new place to stay; a white van. It looked like one of those vans garage bands would use to move their members and gear from place to place. Or as 12 years would say, the rape van. Luckily, it was the band van, and had rugs and some blankets and pillows in it. It smelled of weed, but it wasn't as bad as Dan would have thought. It probably was used while the apocalypse first started and ditched about three months after. Dan and Phil filed into the front bench (it wasn't two separate seats,  no it was a bench so Dan could snuggle up to Phil) while Tyler and Troye got into the back. They let the two change then let them sleep, knowing they probably didn't sleep at all while being kidnapped. Dan heard Tyler suck in sharp breathes when changing position and guessed he was sore and bruised worse than he knew. Dan felt guilty for having a good day yesterday while those two were tortured. 

When the moon started to rise, Dan felt his eye lids getting heavier. He snuggled up to Phil more, his head on his shoulder and his nose close to Phil's neck. Dan smiled as his eyes closed and Phil's arm went around his shoulders, creating a feeling of security. He yawned and snuggled closer.

"Phil, wake me when it's my turn to watch. And don't stay up all night you spork. You need sleep too."

Dan heard Phil huff, knowing he is smiling. "Okay Dan. Just go to sleep. Ill wake you in a bit."

Dan started to fall asleep, but before he completely went unconscious, he mumbled " I  love you Philly...."

Last thing Dan heard that night? 

"I love you too Dan." 

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