Chapter 1

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It was dark and cold and Rin was shivering "Please leave me alone" She pleaded with the cloaked person in front of her "Uh uh uh,Now why would I do that hm?" She bent her head and her bangs covered her face for 2 years straight she's been stuck between worlds one with humans and one with demons and angels and she's all three a hybrid that what she's called she can never fit in she stared at him with her yellow and red eyes with flecks of gold she has pink and purple hair and wings of an angel and an Ancient Greek god dress and no foot wear her only chance to survive is to cross over to the humans and live among them she knows it's forbidden but she has to survive but it is said that no life is worth any world and to her it's absolutely true her life is not worth anything not even a bird she has no courage no will to move on and continue life but there's no point she's worthless "Don't look so down idiot" And she did something unexpected she smiled and wiped her tears,she found courage she remembered her baby sister he took away and she'll get him back,she looked up and touched the bars and they melted she's about to release her inner demon,she walked out of the cage and continued taking slow steps towards him,she grabbed her bow and arrow and pointed it at him and set it on fire "If no life is worth any world" She said to him "THEN SO IS YOURS!!!!!" And she shot the arrow in his chest and she watched him turn into nothing but ashes and she searched for sister "REI REI WHERE ARE YOU" "BWIG SISTER" The four year old yelled and she ran in her direction and found her with barely visible bruises "Oh honey,I thought I lost you" And she picked her up while stroking her orange and brown hair and took a deep breath she looked to Rei and she nodded she understood what had to be done and they both chanted while holding hands
"Arch ocona na zu
Sertu po lin
Zaway ga natidu
Hijabi bero pacu"
And their eyes turned white and their hair was teal and they repeated it over and over again and soon a portal opened and they hesitated before walking in it and there was a blinding light and everywhere went blank

Rin woke up dizzy and picked up a confused Rei and they realized people where staring it was at their wings mostly but they rubbed their eyes and they had disappeared with the wind and people went back to their business while others where left to wonder about what they had just seen but shrugged it off

"Man was that close" Rin muttered looking at a flustered Rei while leaning against the alley wall "Well well well what do we have here are you late for a costume party" Someone said in the shadows and emerged with two others a guy and a girl he was holding a pipe the girl a baseball bat and the other guy a metal rod, Rin shook her head "Hey are yer shakin your ere head ats uses" The female said pointing at her"Such horrible English remind me to to give you some classes" She taunted "Ow dares ya" And Rin shook her head again and smirked at them as the other guy tried to hit her but stopped him with a mere punch "Is this all?" Her question was answered when more people came "Well the more the merrier" And she charged at them she locked her ankles around the bad English female's neck and using her hand to support herself on the ground she flung her at the others knocking them out another tried to hit her with a shovel but she grabbed the shovel with her left hand and kicked him in the nuts with her right leg and she took them all out with either a kick or punch until there was one left and she saw Rei wanted some action so she wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear "Sweet dreams~" And Rei jumped ad gave him a flying kick "That.Was.AWESOME" They yelled at the same time and was about to walk out of the alley when she heard a pair of foot steps Ashley clutched her dress scared and Rin walked towards it and when a guy appeared without thinking she punched his nose "Owwww owie ow " He said "Dear devil are you alright?" She asked "I think you broke my nose >#<" He said and looked up "Wh-what are you" She looked away "I can never go anywhere without being asked that question" "I-I'm sorry" "It's alright I'm used to it,I'm Shanon" "I'm Ren,this is Ash" "This is Rei " "If you want to fit in you need proper clothes" "YOU'D HELP US!!!!!????" "Yeah yeah don't shout" So he took them to the mall and made sure before anybody saw them that they where 'properly clothed' by giving them cloaks and first got them some clothes and they where squealing through the entire thing for Rei he picked a shoulder less black and white top and casual jeans with the rips and red converse shoes and he didn't need to pick for Rin she picked on her own (that's her on the cover) and she cut her hair short and removed the purple she turned to Rei and waved her hands over her hair and it was now orange only "Lets go home" Ren said "Home?Where?" Rin asked "With me" And he dragged them away

"Wowie wow wow" Rin gawked at the room she was staying in "Who's room is this?" "Mine" She blushed "Y-yours" He nodded and she blushed harder after a while she shrugged and took of her clothes in the bathroom and came in only her newly acquired red bra and boxers and jumped into the bed and fell asleep immediately and Ren was surprised before taking of his clothes and jumping in to and there was no need to worry about the kids their safe or so they thought........

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