Chapter 9

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This is like two years later here are the ages
Rei jumped around Rin and Ren along with Ash "Rin and Ren sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G,first comes love,then comes marriage,then a baby in a carriage" And the twins followed them and they said "-3- Children" Then Aaron and Gianna jumped in and joined them "Really Aaron your the oldest of all of us and you choose to do this,oh Mother of Angels save me" They said and Rin left to clean the kitchen and mop and the same time and soon she screamed out,they all ran into the kitchen and saw a rag in her hands on fire and the mop covered in shadows "What da hell?!" They asked and Gianna shouted "THIS.IS.AWESOME.RIN UNLOCKED HER POWERS,RIN UNLOCKED HER POWERS~" "This must be awesome now I have fire powers and shadow powers,WOOOOHOOOO LETS CAUSE SOME CHAOS KIKO AND REI" They took out chainsaws from nowhere and screamed "HELL YEA"
The house was destroyed but Rin recreated it with her shadow powers and created a Pegasus and shadow sword while screaming "FOR NARNIA" But she later came back not even half exhausted but stopped with the Chaos and prepared lunch and boy was it yummy,it was fried rice and chicken and they all happily munched away on the delicious food made by the one and only Rin who finished before all of them and after an hour she changed and went over to the basement and started training to destroy Aragron and work up a sweat,when she finished training which was six hours later she left to go have a shower and weighed herself and she didn't weigh much from all that training but it didn't stop her,she's been training for two years and she won't stop now,she can't stop now not while Aragron's still alive and she'll impale him with a spear and murder him brutally and other freaky stuff,she grabbed a bottle of water and grabbed her clothes and came out wearing a black long sleeve shirt with the back longer and black jeans and put her hair in a ponytail and a waist bag with and iPhone playing Vocaloids and she had headphones on as she walked through the street humming happily to herself as she walked to a random place before she knew it,she was in the forest and facing a wild cheetah who she was entertaining and guess what it licked her with its warm tongue and followed her around,she crouched down and stroked its head "^_^ I'll name you Shadow Flame" It seemed to like he name because it roared and gestured for her to sit,she even put the headsets on the cheetah,when she sat it took her on a ride around the whole forest! She got off and took it out of the forest to her house and every one jumped "What the faking h'll are you doing are you drunk or something" "Nope,Kiko is it a girl or boy" "A girl" "Hell yea now she needs a mate" Everyone except Kiko,Gianna and Rei "No,no more cheetahs \ (>_<) / " "Whatever" She said and walked away where she encountered the gang and she shook her head and took them out yet again,they never quit but they had big plans for the future yet to be revealed after a while she bumped into Chou and Chou had a hawk with her and they squealed and they explained how they got them and also had a chase from rabid fan girls and boys who did their best to get pets like the ones Rin and Chou had but failed horribly and in the end had very severe injuries so they were taken to the hospital by Rin and Chou and they payed for everything they needed to take care of their injuries and backed away slowly and ran away silently and Rin told her about the prophesy and Chou said she would fight with her and hey fist pumped "Oh hell yeah,we'll defeat Aragron for sure he'll Split Before The Legendary Duo" They said raising their hands up in the air pretending their holding weapons attracting extra admirers "Why did we say that -3-" "WE L0VE YOU!!!!!!" They jumped on Shadow Flame and ordered her to run very quickly,she nodded and ran away very quickly and they smirked at their admirers and said "See Ya~ ^_^/ We love you" "(TT^TT) We'll find you Chou-sama and Rin-kun!! No matter what we love you"
"Ooooh yeah bya ^_^;;" They're free but they no idea where they're going

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