Chapter 6

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Kiko stared at Ren and when he looked at her suspiciously,she looked away blushing,Rin caught sight of this and glared at Kiko while Riko was nowhere to be seen and soon they heard him scream they ran to the kitchen and saw ketchup everywhere,and Riko unconscious on the floor and Rei and Ash holding knees in the air screaming "Blood........Gore........more more more AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA........................BLEED BEFORE THE ETERNAL KILLERS........................MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "O_O What in the name of all things evil happened to my little sister/brother?! ZE MOVIE" They yelled and the little ones silently carried rolling pins and jumped on their backs and screamed "I'M JEFF THE KILLER AND I AM BEAUTIFUL NOW GO TO SLEEP" With that said they whacked their heads with ze rolling pins and they where knocked and they jumped on Riko and whacked him over and over again,then they suddenly jumped and grabbed eery hing made of wood set the wooden stuff on fire and ran outside screaming "LITTLE GREEN ONES SHALL BURN" They where referring to the grass and where going to set lawns on fire starting with the President's
Went the doors,awakening Ren and Rin,they dragged their feet and gasped when they opened the door,there standing on their stairs was the president and very angry citizens and they where holding Rei and Ash by their shirt collars,in case you didn't know they're wearing matching Creepypasta shirt's with collars and black and red jeans and red converse and they had psychotic grins on their faces and the President asked "Are these your siblings" She asked firmly and they smiled sheepishly while scratching their heads and nodding "^_^\ Y-yea"They replied and she shook her head and dropped them in the house and gave them the bill and heir eyes widened "0_0 WHAT DA FUQ THREE MILLION DOLLARS!!!!" They yelled and everyone nodded and Ren said "I only have 2 million even if I'm a rich boy,I don't want to spend the rest but I'll give you the 2 million" He said and handed it to her,she took it and nodded "I understand I'll add one million but don't release them again" She said pointing at 'the eternal killers' and walked away with the citizens and when they left they glared at them and they where still wearing their psychotic grins and they fell back,they had fainted from nearly exhaustion,they sighed and where about to carry them when the doors flew open and standing there was Gianna and Aaron! With their jaws on the ground they stared at the two and RIn recognized Gianna as the bad ENGLISH woman and she finally spoke up,and got in her fighting stance ready to fling her away with her feet and her greeting to Gianna was "What the hell do you want?!"

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