Chapter 8

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Everyone ate in silence and stared at each other for no good reason,Rin took a sip of her orange juice and a bite of bacon she cleared her plate took it to the kitchen and washed then went upstairs to have a shower when she came back down everyone's jaw dropped she was wearing a red strapless sweetheart dress with a red ring she made it gave her a kind of vampy look and her hand were under her tummy carefully placed on one another "I was invited to a party it's theme was royalty,No I'm not girly so don't judge \ >///< /" She said and walked to them "Your invited to now go shower for Narnia sake!" She said after they followed her orders she was surprised at Gianna mostly
Gianna=Asgardian Outfit
Kiko:Blue lace overlay dress
Riko:Blue Tuxedo
Ren:Red Tuxedo
Rei:Elsa Dress
Ash:Hans Outfit

"Wow guys just wow now let's go the limo's waiting for us" Rin said and walked outside "LIMO...........HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!" They yelled and zoomed outside and jumped into the Limo before Rin could even touch the door they slammed it shut and started howling and everyone else in the car join them,the driver thinking everyone was inside sped off leaving Rin to chase after them but he stopped when Rin fired a gunshot and the driver stopped and so she ran and jumped into the limousine and slammed the door shut not catching anyone's attention until she tapped Ren shoulder he looked away but the next thing you know
"Dafuq" "(:)|||||||||> \@_@ That's for not telling the driver to stop and let me enter" "Why didn't you just enter quickly?"
" (:)||||||||||||>
| o_e"
"Dafuqing h'll" Ren said rubbing his sore face that had a frozen Fish mark on it (A/N I accidentally typed Magikarp 😝) "You dense idiot" she mumbled and looked out side the window until they stopped at a mansion,she tapped the driver's shoulder "Why did we stop?" She asked "We're here ma'am" She was confused but still stood up a little bit and opened the door she was the first to enter since she thought the house would drive away and leave her and when she opened the door she squealed really loud and glomped the bluenette in front of her "Chou-sama/Rin-kun It's been forever" They said and did a secret handshake jus then the others came in went wild although they're supposed to be royal and they turned up the music and Chou and Rin got on stage and started singing
(Play Starships by Nicki Minaj)
"GAHHH SCREW THIS ITS NO LONGER ROYAL THEME ITS ROCKSTAR TIME" THEY SCREAMED making a rock sign while swinging their head back and forth wearing Hatsune Miku and Rin Kagamine outfits and started singing Butterfly on your left shoulder,unhappy refrain and Meltdown everyone followed them and sang it to,when all of a sudden the lights went out and everyone started screaming "TT^TT AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then started flailing their arms wildly and running aroun and suddenly the doors flew open and Gianna's former gang appeared "Oh it is on" Rin and Chou said back and back and charged at them
*Insert Epic Battle Music Here*
One of the members charged at Rin and she crouched down and when he was dangerously close to her she swung her legs using her hands to support herself and sent him flying,Chou ran at one of them with incredible and did a flip and landed upside down supporting her self with her hands and kicked him square on the jaw,Rin jumped high in the air and smashed her foot on another's head then used her free leg to hold his arm up and she balled up her hands hit his back causing him to fall and hit his head,Chou jumped and spun in the air with her foot out and it hit his cheek and sent him flying into a wall,Rin ran and placed her hands on his head clutched his head harder and flipped still clutching his head and threw him away,Chou slid down on the floor she used her hand to keep herself upside down and rested her legs on his shoulders really hard and used her legs to flip him and he face planted on the floor,Rin ran quickly with incredible speed toward a grunt and jabbed her fist into his chest pushing him backwards and gave him a roundhouse kick on the nose,Chou sneaked up behind one and held his hands back and pushed him forward by using her knee and pushing him hard on the back while pulling on his arms really hard,Rin jumped on another's shoulders then whacked his head with a table leg and he fainted,Chou charged at a dozen more and gave the front guy a kick on the chest causing him to fall backwards and making the people behind him fall,Rin used her swiped on off his feet causing him to tumble and hit like two more until there was only one guy left with a smug look and he flipped his hair "There's no way I'm losing to a bunch of girls-" "Hi Ya" They both gave him a kick on the chest and sent him flying out of the rainbow while screaming "I LOST TOOOOOOOOO GIRLSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!" Slowly Ren started clapping and everyone else started clapping and cheering and whistling while chanting "Legendary Duo,Legendary Duo,LEGENDARY DUO" They smiled at each other and high-fived it's not so bad they wanted to say but the doors flew away and an army of rabid fan girls and fan boys who where screaming "LEGENDARY DUO WE LOVE YOU" One fanboy then screamed "OMG RIN MARRY ME" Another fanboy then screamed "CHOU MARRY ME" Ren's eye twitched and he tried to resist the urge to murder him brutally And the fangirls screamed "BE OUR BEST FRIENDS" "WE ALL LOVE YOU" "^_^/ We love you to" "O.M.G *faints*" One boy and one girl smirked evilly and woke them and Rin and Chou started getting chased "CCCCRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!" They screamed and ran away making everybody laugh and everyone video'd them while laughing like maniacs "FFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK YYYYYYYYOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU"

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