•Chapter 3•~Taking Advantage

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Taking Advantage

Warning: Not for virgin eyes!
I'm already warning you

I hear a knock on my window. "Psst" somoene called. Damn. Who could be disturbing me at 3 in the morning. "Ughh!" I grog while pulling my covers to reveal my naked tanned chest.

I go o er the window and I peek inside the blinds making sure it isn't a stranger and I'm very much surprised who I saw.

"Wow, somebody's not happy to see me. " the person behind the window says. I open the blinds and the window so she could get in.

"I'm sorry. I thought it was a stranger." I groggily said while yawning.

"So what are you doing here at three in the morning?" I ask while plopping down on my king sized bed.

She climbs on my bed and she lays down right next to me and I cuddle her. She giggles and rests her head on my chest.

Charlie's P◈O◈V

I giggled and sighed when I was about to close my eyes Matt stopped me and said "Princess can I ask you a question?" He asks. I giggle again and said "You just did."

He laughs and i can feel his chest vibrate from his laughter. "Might as well ask you now." He mumbles to himself. I sat up and he was surprised by my sudden move and my next one.

I grab his face and i meet his soft lips. I hope he doesn't mind cause my lips chapped. After ten seconds of the kiss and before i pull away he grabs my neck and he deepens the kiss. Our lips move in sync.

After seven minutes of kissing. I gently pull away and i lay my forehead on his so i could look up at him and admire his dark blue eyes and I analyze his eyes just to see that he wants more and by the looks of it he's laying on top of me. Good thing I stopped it before it got off hand.

I smile to myself thinking that maybe we should continue and may e Matt read my mind so he pulled himself off of me and just layed beside me while breathing softly while my reathing was hard.

Maybe it's because he's done this before and I haven't.

Oh my God!

I just realized that this was my first kiss. My first kiss is from Matt. He took it. Not my virginity but my first kiss. I touched my lip and I feel my lips are swollen.

I look over Matt and I find him staring at me while smirking.

I found myself speaking instead if stuttering "What?" I ask and before I can even stop it I have a stupid smile on my face.

"Did you enjoy your first kiss so far?" He asks while wiggling his eyebrows and smirking again. While I found myself blushing like a shiny red tomato.

Why does he have this kind of effect on me? I ask myself

When I turn to look at Matt one more time I saw him leaning in to me and before I knew it our lips met one more time and I still haven't recovered from my tomato face.

I feel something vibrating and before I could even break the kiss. Matt bursts out laughing and he is clutching his stomach while squeezing his eyes shut and laughing historically.

I hear a loud thump and I couldn't see Matt anywhere. So I peek under the bed and I found him laying there holding onto his butt.

Now it's my turn to laugh. I keep my and before I could stop myself I laugh and after a minute or two I stopped and I caught Matt naked.

I looked away and I can't help but fight the blush that was rising up on my cheeks. I lay my head on one of Matt's pillows and I grunted.

"Matt" I whined and I heared him chuckle. "Don't worry babe. I won't take advantage of you" he said while chuckling. Oh that son of a bitch is going to pay alright.

I get up on his bed not even daring to look at him I slip off my shirt just revealing me in my bra and I blush but I still kept my face to myself and I took off my sweat pants just revealing me in my underwear.

Oh shit. I thought that I can't pull it off but ha! In your face Matt.

Two can play at that game.

I smirk to myself and I faced Matt just seeing him naked does bother me and I saw his eyes widen and his mouth slightly opened.

But instead I played it cool and I crawled on to the bed to make my way over to him cause he's on the other side of the bed.

When I reached him I touched his defined four pack and I traced my hands lower when I reached his stomach he moaned. Oh dear God! That was so sexy! I continued then I reached hi throbbing arousal and I rubbed it a few times before he grabbed me by the waist and he spun me around so I was facing him.

I could fell his arousal so I say so his erection could feel my vagina. He grabbed my waist and he lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist and I could feel his dick on my entrance.

Without any warning he pinned me up against a wall and he slid my panties off and he slid two fingers inside my clit.

"Uhhh!!" I moaned. He kept thrusting and it hurts because I'm about to lose my virginity to my best friend.

"Shit Char." He moaned and he leaned down and I met his lips halfway he kept thrusting and he grabbed my right boob and squezzed it. I hung my head out and he kept thrusting.

I unclipped my bra and he was surprised and he stopped just staring at my naked chest and his fingers are inside of me. So I did what anyone would do in my position. I grabbed his head and pushed it on my right boob.

Without even thinking I rubbed his manhood and pumped it then I feel my niooles getting wet and I was focusing on his manhood and I didn't even realized that he's sucking my right breast and carrressing the left one.

He keeps kicking my nipples and sucking on it. "Ahhh!!" I moaned then he unpinned me off the wall and he grabbed somothing off his nightstand and he plopped us both on his bed.

He was trailing soft kisses on the sensitive spot behind my hear and I moaned when he did it again I moaned and I feel him smiling on my neck and he keeps nibling there.

I pumped myself to him and all I feel is pain. Oh my God! Ouch!

"Ahhh!!" I screamed and I kept thrusting. When Matt stopped me and whispered "We don't have a condom."

Thats when I kept thrusting and crying at the same time.

I chocked on a sob and i cried while having sex. Wow. How pathetic.

"You're gonna get pregnant." He exclaimed while fighting back a tear.

I grabbed his face and kissed him tenderly while he kissed back.

"I don't care. As long as I'm with you and our baby I'm happy just the three of us." I whispered while smiling and biting my bottom lip to stop my happy tears but it just flowed so I can't stop it now.

"What if your parents find out?" he whispered.

"Screw them." I said confidently even though I'm scared of what their reactions gonna be.

"Lets continue making this baby." He said while smiling.


I know you probably hate me because of this but all I can say is........ Read the next chapter and I think you guys will be fine. Thank you for reading my book!


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