19 - Some Idiot In Tights

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"What?" IH looked less startled than I had expected him to and instead, more amused.

"You're... You can't be... No... No you can't–"

"ANNIE!" IH waved in my face, "get a grip! Whoever you think I am, I can assure you, I'm not."

"Wha– why not?" I stammered, trying to get my emotions under control. Could he have possibly not had time to take out his contacts because maybe he had come straight from getting bailed out of jail? If IH was really Dresden Fox and he could read my thoughts, there would be no way he could keep his face blank at my racing mind. If he was really Dresden, he'd be cracking up at all the theories going through my brain, right? Right? RIGHT?

"Can we just talk about Ciaran?" IH sighed.

"Can we not?"

"Did you have fun?"


"Did you kiss? Or do something romantic?"


"Well did you enjoy it?"


"Are you going out with him again?"


"ANNIE!" IH shouted, throwing his arms up. He walked away from me, his back tensing up as he visibly tried to calm himself down. From the back, I definitely had a good view. His shoulder and back muscles were well defined by the slimming black suit and his–

Before I could register what was happening, IH had spun on his heel and was marching back towards me. I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped when IH crashed his lips down on mine. Stunned, I let him kiss me. My eyes fluttered closed as I kissed him back, lips moving against his as he nibbled my lower lip and I had to resist the moan that involuntarily bubbled up from my throat. 

One of my hands wound itself around the back of his neck, my fingers tangling in his liquorice-black hair as he smiled against the kiss. IH gripped my hips, pulling me closer to him and causing me to stumble into him. I wanted to press myself up against him, I wanted to feel his toned body against mine, and I wanted to kiss him more, have him kiss my neck, my jaw, and my shoulder. I wanted so much, but he was a traitor, and I knew I couldn't have any of it. Just as I was about to push him off me, we were interrupted by a shout.

"There you guys–oh." I yanked myself away, but IH's hand had slipped down to the small of my back, and he pulled me back, kissing me once more before stepping away.

I touched my lips tentatively, still tasting his peppermint lips on mine. I gasped. PEPPERMINT!

"Ciaran?" I whispered, confused. If IH was surprised by my realisation, he didn't say anything. Instead, he only laughed. 

"You really think I'm Ciaran, don't you." It wasn't a question.

"What?" I frowned. Everything about him being Ciaran added up. "Ciaran asked me out right around the time you and I got close," I pointed out.

IH shrugged it off as, "coincidence."

"You both smell like peppermint!" I was growing hysterical, desperate to put a name to the face.

"Annie, I'm pretty sure Ciaran isn't the only guy at our school who buys gum," IH mused and then added, "or Tic Tacs." He started laughing all over again. "And here I was thinking you thought I was Dresden. Your theories are cute, Annie, but you couldn't be further from the truth!"

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