Chapter Twenty-Four: The Iron Wall Inn

Start from the beginning

"We agreed to keep it secret."

"We did not know of that," Wallis said speaking for Daren as well.

"Because we agreed to keep it secret," Jergan said, eyeing Kruger.

"That doesn't matter. It's great to have you back," Kruger ruffled his hair just like Horace. It seemed to be a pastime for the people of Rushka to ruffled Jergan's hair.

"You're going to the Westland, right?" Wallis asked.

"Yes, my father is taking me as his aide."

"Well so are we!" Daren announced.

"You are?"

"Yep. We are new soldiers in the army of Rengle Fallaner."

"You'll be under my command," Jergan said.

"No, your father's," Wallis corrected.

"Hey, have you seen Jackie yet?" Kruger asked.

"No, I haven't. How is she?"

Kruger grinned, "Just watch," he turned Jergan towards the inside of the Inn, where the Innkeeper was preparing with his violin.

"Quiet down Jackie is going to sing!" Jennie shushed the boys and slowly the rest of the inn went quiet. The Inn was a large collection of tables, with a small bar where the drinks and rooms are dealt out. In the far corner was a larger table with no chairs that Jackle and now his daughter used to perform.

The innkeeper lit two candles on each side. When the table is set, he steps to the center of the Inn and announces the entrance of Little Red Jackie. The Inn rang with applause as she stepped out from behind a door and made her way to the table.

Jergan remembered a chubby little girl with red curls atop her rosy face. What he saw now stunned him. She was no longer short, but tall, at least a little taller than Jergan. She had on a white dress covered with red roses. Her hair was a sea of curls that flowed with her as she moved across and stood up on the table. She still had the red, freckled cheeks he remembered as a kid, but now her face was like a boy's dream. Her body was not chubby, but curved in a way that drove Jergan's adolescent mind wild.

When she got up onto the table, she began to tap her feet and swing her dress. After smiling to the audience, she began to sing about the deeds of knights during wars long passed.

When she finished her verse she stepped off the table and strutted around the Inn. The patrons were now clapping to her beat. Out of nowhere she bounded forward, towards the Fallaner family and pulled Jergan back with her.

Jergan stepped forward without thinking, looking back at his uncle and mother, who only smiled and winked. the Inn lit up with applause when he came out to dance with Little Red. His guess was right, she was taller than him. The boots on hi feet felt like stone weights. Paralyzed with dozens of eyes staring at him, he barely moved the first few seconds, even with Jackie holding his hands and shaking them up and down as she danced. Despite this, Jackie kept her smile, warmly encouraging Jergan to get into it, and slowly he did. He was a fair dancer when he was younger. He would dance with many of the young girls in Rushka, Jackie included.

He lifted one foot after another and slowly began to dance. Once he and Jackie were moving together, flowing back and forth across the Inn she began to sing again.

The lyrics took him away, and he felt as if he and Jackie were dancing in a field of flowers. Each one of her steps and kicks send a flurry of pedals into the air. He looked over her body and he knew she was a woman now, that little girl he knew years ago was gone. Her hips were round and her breasts were full, and Jergan felt a burning urge the intensity of which he had never felt before.

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