Ace X Reader: Wonderland pt. 3

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So, my best friend told me to make a book that was this cross over, one piece and wonderland. She told me that this theme was really good and i should continue with it. And the best part is, is that i decided to go with it. The first chapter will come out on the 20th of August  But i mostly got the idea from the lady...person, and the username is @ImSickOfSleeping and she is a great writer. I hope you like this chapter and i hope you have a great day~~~!.

You glared at the man who wore the funny looking clothes with his brother. But you never glared at the other...only Ace. Poor Luffy had nothing to do with it. As you glared to Ace, for what he did, you only saw regret in his eyes, and face. A part of you still hated him for what he did, but the other part told you to forgive him, but you at least wanted an apology, and a good one too. You saw Luffy in the corner of your eye, and he looked like he regretted, not going agents Ace and his rude, mean plan. Although it wasn't a plan, it was more like a last minute thing, like when you plan to go to someone's house, but then you are suddenly sick.....yah, something like that. Ace looked down at his feel, a bit red in the face. You crossed your arms and leaned back in your chair. Looking intimidating, you waited for an apology. Silence took over and now, you could only hear the birds chirping, and the slight breeze slither between the leaves in the trees. You waited a while, but nothing happened, until Sabo broke the unconvertible silence between the two of us. He cleared his throat and spoke nervously.

"S-So Ace, Luffy, why don't you take a seat?" He nervously smiled, but you could still hear a bit of anger mixed in his nervous tone. He was probably mad at the two for ditching you. Luffy didn't smile, as he quickly sat in the nearest chair, which was next to Law, and Zoro. Ace on the other hand, he backed away a bit and sat next to Marco and Chopper. It went silent again before Sabo broke it again.

"Does any one want tea? Or should we put the candles in the cake?" He said excitedly. You saw Luffy drool and Zoro sighed and placed a napkin under his chin, so it doesn't get on his lap. You smiled at Sabo.

"Why the candles?" You asked looking at the cake after. Sabo laughed at the question.

"It's our unhappy birthday of course!" You looked at him.

"A what...?" You asked. He quickly and dramatically swung his hand over and placed it on his chest, trying to look hurt. You heard Luffy gasp and a few only chuckled.

"You've never heard of it!?" Sabo asked, still acting hurt. You shook your head 'no'. Sabo smiled and hit the table with both of his hands. "Then we need to celebrate immediately!" You jumped a bit at the sudden action.

"But, what's an unhappy birthday?" You asked as he jumped up out of his seat and over to the cake, putting in the candles.

"It's the day, that's not your birthday!" Chopper exclaimed. You looked at him, confusion written all over.

"What?" You asked, still confused, cuz you ain't dat smart. 

"Chopper explained it well actually." Law said with his toothy grin, as Sabo ran into the house to get the party stuff. You looked at him. Yet again, still confused.

"When is your birthday?" Marco asked, trying to explain.

"(Date of B-Day)...Why?" You answered.

"Then todays your unbirthday! Or unhappy birthday." Luffy exclaimed, totally forgetting the whole ditching thing. "All mad people celebrate their unhappy birthday! You always celebrate it everyday other than your birthday! But when its your birthday, we have this huge party!" He exclaimed, smiling, and swinging out his arms to try and size it. You nod and make an '0' shape with your mouth, letting them know that you now understand.

"oooohhh. So its like, celebrating your birthday, except, not on your birthday." Luffy nods as he smiles a toothy smile.

"Now you get it?" Zoro mused as he drank his tea. You frowned at him, as you crossed your arms over your chest.

"Shush. I'm a slow learner." You comment as he chuckles.

"No really." He said with sarcasm flowing out of his mouth like a waterfall. You glare at him for a second before Sabo comes running with party hats, candles, and...more tea cups. You laugh as he struggles with the things in his hands, but he manages. He practically throws the party hats at us, telling us to put them on. You did as you were told, and Sabo lit the candles that were already on the cake. Everyone was smiling, even you. Well, everyone, but Ace. He still was looking down at his lap, looking like he regretted life. This made you feel so bad, cause, this was your fault. Maybe you could forgive him, I mean, you were acting rather rude. He didn't know, You frowned at him as you heard a countdown, starting from 10, making you know when to blow out the twisty curly colorful candles.


You got up to 'go closer to the cake'. But really, you wanted to get closer to Ace. You sat down right next to him, and grabbed his hand.


He looked up sadly at you and you gave him your famous grin.


He gave you a confused look, before you whispered something in his ear.


You leaned back and smiled, and Ace slowly started to smile with you.


You started to giggle, and he chuckled at your actions.


You stop giggling and got really excited and started to bounce a bit, going to face the cake.


You looked at Ace and pointed at the candles, not wanting him to miss out.


He smiled at you and you two faced the cake, getting ready.


You started to take a breath in.


You took a huge breathing and held it, ready to blow.


You all blew out the candles and some saying, "Happy Unbirthday to you!" You still held on to Ace's hand.

"Don't be sad, I love you."  

                                                                                  THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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