Luffy X Reader: Peter Pan

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You where walking around, lost in the woods, or forest....thing. The sky was gone because of the trees in the way and there beautiful shade of green leaves. The trail you were following was now gone because of the dark green bushes and dead, yellow, brown, and orange mixed leaves. The wind was weaving through your hair like snakes. The birds were singing a song while some just talked to each other. Some other bugs where doing the same.It was almost like a chorus, and there just getting warmed up. Some other animals were singing too but you couldn't tell what. Even though everything seemed happy, you weren't. you were still in your pjs, and the worst part was, your tired, and hungry. you trudged through this never ending forest, angrily mumbling to your self.

"I'm a 12 year old girl... WHO JUST WANTS SOME SLEEP!!!" Everything got quiet but the noise soon came back as if nothing happened. "I guess this is what you get when you follow a flying man with a fairy who doesn't know where their going...WAIT! THIS DOESNT MAKE ANY SENCE!!!" and, again, the silence came, but it didn't return, and you couldn't care less. You kept walking until you heard a shout. Your head slowly lowered because you knew who shouted that, and you were still mad. You tried to ignore it, but...

" HEY!!! THERE YOU ARE!!!" Or "HEY STOP!!!" And "WHATS WRONG!!?"... OH wait there's more "HEY WHY ARE YOU SO FAST!!!??" You finally stop only to be picked up by the flying boy. He picked you up bridal sided and held you tight. A scream was heard as he flew up, and you think it was yourself. As you and the boy went up, a few branches hit your legs, but not your face, because he leaned over you so you wouldn't get hit. You blushed at how close he was, until you mentally slapped your self and scolded yourself. 'He's a complete stranger you don't really know him, except what he looks like and sounds like....'. He flew up really high, and the sun was blinding you for a little bit, until you got used to it. You took a peek downwards and saw how high you where. The island was beautiful. The green trees slowly becoming greener in the middle. The small rim of sand stood out like an outlining in a cartoon. You saw on the left hand side, there was a small village, with huts, looking very native. On the right you saw a weird looking rock, and no joke, it looked like a skull, creepy. In the front of the island there was a pirate ship, but you where so high you couldn't tell if it was abandoned or not. There where also many rainbows that looked as if they were coming out of the island. You started to enjoy the view, until you realized how high you two where. You couldn't fly!! What would happen if you fell!!?? Your arms flew around the flying boys neck as you pushed your head into the crook of his neck. You heard him laugh and growled as you glared at him, but saw where you two where, again, and put your head back in his neck, and that's when you, now, realize that he was wearing a green shirt, that at the end you could tell that the shirt was made out of leaves, and so not his pants, but they were a darker shade of green.

"What? Not a fan of heights?" You shook your head. You didn't want to seem weak, and you do love heights because of the beautiful views, but that's when your feet are on a platform, or when your standing. Not flying in a strangers arms, AND WHOS ONLY WEARING LEAVES FOR CLOTHES!!!

"D-Don't get me wr-wrong, I love heights, but that's when I'm st-standing, o-on something, not flying." You could see his smile get slightly bigger, and he chuckled. "What's so funny?" You asked, getting a bit scared of what he was going to do.

"I think I know who to fix that." He replied. Your eyes widened, don't tell me..... You felt his arms slowly start to get loose. Your grip on his neck tightened, and you rapidly shook your head 'no'.

"Nononononononononononono!!!!!!! DONT!!!" You shouted as you felt his grip on you loosen. He leaned in your ear and whispered,

"Don't worry, I'll catch you." He leaned back as you calmed down a little. Wait!! He smiled at me, "Just have some fun~!" And with that, you fell. At first you screamed but it was fun. soon your screams turned into laughs. Even when you almost hit the ground in the forest you were laughing. But when the boy caught you he was laughing too. He flew up into the sky again and dropped you again. And you laughed the whole way down. But this time when he caught you, you asked him something.

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