Law X Reader: Mad Doctor

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He was experimenting on another human, again. The blood all over his lab coat, some on his face, and shoes. And don't even get me started with all of the blood on the floor. As of now, you were in the cellar, or the basement lab, in the huge mansion that your doctor lived in. It was the biggest house you've ever seen, but yet again, you lived on the streets until you were 21, just 3 years younger than him. He took you off the streets, tetchily adopting you, but not really, you just live with him now. The house was an old abandoned Victorian mansion, with one or two windows, out of like....a lot, were broken. The door was still in good shape, so we didn't have to get a new one. But when you go inside, It does look old, but very clean. The golden chandlers didn't have cobwebs like you thought they would have, and the red carpet didn't look like absolute trash. Nothing that you could tell had any dust or mold on it, except for the outside, with vines growing slowly up the house, almost covering most of the house on the right side and part of the left. But the inside was great! Until you went into the basement. There was so much old blood stains, cobwebs, old rotting limbs that didn't attach to anything, like fingers, legs, toes, arms, and more, EVEN A TOUNGE!! Especially when you got into his lab. Horror. It was the last door on your left. But when you open the door, you'll want to close it immediately. Because, when you enter, the foul stench of something rotting comes to you first. Soon you'll hear the moans and screams of people in the jail sells when you walk further down. They only wore what they had on when he found them on the streets. But he doesn't experiment on kids. You would think he would, but he doesn't, maybe its a soft spot, but no one will ever know. But you were lucky. Everyone who he picks up off the streets he does an experiment on, but you have to ask or he has to get your permission. Weird. But what's weirder is that I'm not his only friend. He only has three now, including you, because almost every time he experiments, they most likely will die. He had many friends, but they got sick for some reason, and he tried to cure it, but he needed test takers, and his friends took the chance, for you, they would always say. The friends he has now, are you, Bepo, an animal he successfully experimented on, so now he's a talking polar bear, and Penguin, and yes that is his name, and he too was successfully experimented on too. Its sad because doctor, Law, has experimented on himself too, and he lost an arm. You felt bad, but nothing could be done.

"Damn it!" Laws shouting stopped you from dazing off. When you snapped back to reality, you saw Law attempting to pick up a bloody knife he dropped. You Bepo and Penguin scattered to go help him, but you got there first. You picked it up and put it in his only hand he has, the left. And he isn't so great with his left arm. He looked up at you and smiled a bit before his face returning to the normal frown he always has, as he got up and he said a small thanks and quickly got back to work. When you got back up, you stood in your normal spot, next to him, and waited for an order, which rarely came, but since he only has one arm now, he asks a bit more than normal, and mostly asks you. Bepo and Penguin get jealous and Law makes fun of them. Law is a funny guy don't get me wrong, but when you first meet him, he isn't so kind. The dark circles that are practically tattooed under his eyes now, don't give off the most conferring feeling, but when you get to know him, he's sweet and funny, well when he's not working, he gets cranky.

"(Y/N)" Law said. You straightened your posture.

"Yes?" He stopped working and looked at you with a frown. "What's wrong, Law?" You asked, only gaining another frown. He turned back around and continued to work. You looked at Bepo and Penguin who shrugged until Law spoke again.

"You seem to be dozing off again, maybe you should get some sleep, you do seem tired to, you have bags under your eyes." He pointed at your face without turning and you puffed out your cheeks.

"I'm fine, you should be worrying about yourself, your eyes look like they've seen better days, have you even slept at all this week?" He glared at you but you stood proud and tall. He turned around mumbling something like, "I'm fine i can take care of my self." You only chuckled.

"What's so funny, Puffer?" He asked. You could feel the disappointment radiating off of him and a bit of teasing as he called you by your nickname he gave you a while back, but you couldn't hold it in. You busted out laughing. You held your sides in pain as you laughed, and you really didn't know what you were laughing at.

"She's truly lost it. Its your fault Law." Penguin said as you laughed even harder. Law turned rather quickly and put his hands up in defense.

"For your information, Penguin, she wanted to come with me! So its her own fault for turning mad!" Law defended.

"That's because she was poor, and was living on the streets. And I think your patient is dying." Bepo stated, as Law frantically turned around, and worked on him trying to keep him alive. You kept laughing as Penguin was trying to make you stop. But you stopped when Law knelt down. His face was almost 3 inches away from yours. You blushed when he smiled a bit. He got up and looked at you.

"Why were you blushing?" Law asked as he smiled. You gave him, what he calls, the, 'angry-puffer-fish' face. Well, its probably because you puff out your cheeks and you glare like one, and that's why he calls you Puffer. He laughed and waited for an answer.

"Well when people are in my face I get embarrassed!!" You shouted as the heat in your face slowly faded away. He started to laugh again, mostly at your comment, and some at the look on your face. "HEY!!!!!" He laughed harder, and Bepo and Penguin laughed along with him. But soon you joined along. You stopped when you saw Law take off his bloody lab coat. He hung it up and walked over to me, with a slight smile on his face. He picked you up bridal sided, and walked out of the lab, saying

"I'm going to take her to bed, night. You guys, clean up the mess~." You saw the smiles on their faces as their eyes showed stars. They are truly mad, aren't they? When law started to walk up the basement steps, you noticed that...he didn't smell like something died two days ago. You took a deep breath in and Law noticed. He looked down at you and you smiled up at him.

"Why are you breathing funny?" He asked confused and you answered.

"You smell good. And not like death." He blushed a bit before chuckling a bit before climbing up the wooden stairs with a red rug covering a large part of the middle. When he was up, he turned right and went up the stairs and when he got all the way up, he turned left and opened the last door to the left. When he opened it, you slid down and landed on your feet. You looked around and realized that, this wasn't your room. There was a queen sized bed that was a brown and was very fancy. The pillows were white, with some blood stains. The room floor was all wood with a huge brown rug that was in the center of the room, but pushed back agents the wall so the bed would be fully on it. There were some lab coats here and there, folded nicely and a huge book shelf on either side of the room walls. The room smelled like him, and you liked that. You sniffed the air and heard a chuckle. You turned and saw Law's face, centimeters away from yours. You blushed as he smiled his beautiful smile. He leaned closer, and you felt his lips slightly brush agents yours.

"I've loved you for a while, Puffer." Your cheeks puffed out but soon went back to normal. You couldn't wait, you leaned in and you two kissed, for about a minute. When you two broke the kiss he led you to his bed for an experiment he said, you were confused but followed. And the experiment went well.

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