Zoro X Reader: Modern AU

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Its been 3 years since he was shipped out to Afghanistan  to fight in a stupid battle, that is just pointless. Zoro, He promised to send letters every day, or Skype  you if he could, he even told you in his last letter. But that was 2 months ago. You never heard from him again, and everyone told you he was dead. You and Zoro's friends had Skipped you last, but he wasn't there, and that was 1 1/2 months ago. Your friends, the ones who were shipped out too, were the ones who lived in your house. There was Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Ace, Luffy's older bro, Law and Franky. The others, Brook, Chopper,(Those two are human) Nami and Robin, you too, stayed home because either they had a job, or they had to support you with your boyfriend, Zoro, leaving. Or Luffy, our leader, told them to stay but Usopp didn't listen, so he went along. Actually to be honest, only Luffy had to go, but the other six wanted to go to be with him. Yep full house. You told him what could happen and told him to not go, but he insisted on going, and he's a stubborn man. But not to long ago you got a letter from the military and signed by the general that Zoro is M.I.A (Missing In Action).


Right now you were at work, teaching a 2nd grade class and it was memorial day. Your students were coloring pictures of the American flag (Sorry for those who don't live in America), and you were telling them about your boyfriend who is in combat, or was in combat. A student rose their hand and he spoke.

"What do you mean he was  fighting?" You looked at your student sadly and he looked at you confusion written all over his face, and all of your other students faces too. But one student, the one who thinks she knows everything, because she is really smart, stood up with an angry face.

"Its means he got out of fighting because he was so great! Dummy!" You gave her a look and she sat down.

"Alisha! Don't say that word!" You scolded before answering the boys question. "You see, my boyfriend hasn't come back in 3 years."  Your students gasped at the amount of time he's been gone. But you kept your smile on. "Its ok, though." One of the smallest boys rose their hand.

"Has he been sending you letters, or calling you or something?" He asked. You gave the boy a sad smile.

"No," The gasps returned, and now no one was coloring, they were paying attention to you. You took in a big breath and sighed. "A few weeks ago I got a letter from the Military that he was M.I.A., or to put it simply, Missing In Action. Basically meaning that no one could find him. Many people say he's gone, or passed away, but I still have hope that he's still alive and so not all of my other friends who are fighting too." You saw their sad faces and a girl with white hair, Merry, rose her hand.

"You have other friends in the fight too?" You nodded and smiled.

"Yep! There names are, Luffy, Sanji, Usopp, Ace, Law and Franky, then there's my boyfriend Zoro." You said happily, but really on the inside you were depressed, because you didn't want them to die.

"But, I'm still confused, do you think he's really dead?" A boy with orange hair, Sunny. You looked at the boy before shrugging.

"Everyone keeps telling me he is." You said depressingly but put your fist in the air. "But I'm not going to give up hope!" You said quite loudly, to make your students laugh, which they did. After a while the bell rang, and that was the queue for the students to leave. But before they all left they all said at the same time, as if practiced,

"DONT GIVE UP MISS (L/N)!!!" You almost started to cry but you didn't, you must be strong!!

TIME SKIP!!!!!!!!!~~

When you got home, you threw your keys on the kitchen counter and walked in the living room, and saw Nami, Robin, Chopper and Brook sitting on the couch eating pop corn and watching some movie named Old Yeller. You could tell that they were already at the part where Yeller dies because Brook was crying his eyes out, sobbing, Chopper was crying saying Yellers name, Nami had a small tear run down her face, and then there was Robin.....Do i even need to explain. You walked in and stood to the side. Robin smiled at you, and you smiled back.

"Hello (Y/N), how was work?"

"Great! I take it you are watching Old Yeller?" She nodded and turned her head back to the screen. "Any mail today?" You asked, hoping that you got a letter from the military. But Robin shook her head and you pouted, and walked up the stairs and into your room. You fell face first on your bed moaning in a complaining way. But it was muffled out because of the bed. You lifted your head and looked at all of the pictures on your wall. Most of them were with you and Zoro, but the rest was with everyone that was your friends, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Sanji, Ace, Law, Luffy, Zoro, and you. You smiled at the memories. One of the funniest picture was when you were all having a picnic, and the picture was taken when Luffy was shoving all of the food in his mouth, and everyone getting up to strangle him, except you, who was laughing while taking the picture. While you were thinking of that moment, your phone rang, scaring the living crap out of you. You glared when you answered.

"Hello." You said coldly

"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine." You gasped in excitement, you hadn't talked to him in so long, it seamed like forever now.

"MARCO!!!!!!" You shouted.

"Owww." he complained, and you could almost see him rubbing his ear. Though he laughed it off. "There ya go, now your happy." You giggled at his statement.

"My favorite Pineapple has called me~~~." You joked and heard him laugh over the other line.

"Yah. I called wondering have you gotten anything from Zoro?" He questioned you sighed a sad sigh and he got the message, but you spoke anyways. 

"Its been 2 months since he's even sent a letter, and a month and a half since I've heard from the others. What if there dead Marco. I don't want them to be but they promised." You started to cry softly as you heard him sigh.

"There not dead, I know it. Keep hoping, that's all we can do." You whipped the tears off of your face and sniffed.

"Yah, your right." I gave him a small sad laugh.

"Listen, I have to go, work is being annoying again." He made a groaning noise and you laughed.

"Ok, bye Pineapple~~!" He laughed before hanging up the phone.


You were at work again and you greeted all of the kids, with a smile.

"So do you kids want to finish your fun and cool pictures, or work on something boring?" they chose the first one as always, cuz COLORING IS AWESOME!!!!! Merry rose her hand.

"Yes Merry?" You called on her. everyone looked a her respectfully.

"Did your friends or boyfriend send you anything today?" She asked nicely. You smiled and shook your head 'no'/. The kids frowned but you brought out the crayons and their smiles returned. A few minutes later Sunny rose his hand.

"Do you miss them?" You nodded at him, then remembered the conversation that you, Robin, and Nami had. You couldn't tell Brook or Chopper because that would break their hearts, but it has to be done. The kids saw you looking sad and uncomfortable.

"Yah, I miss them very much. But, the most sad part is, well, two of my friends, we had a talk about the situation with them, and right now, if we don't hear anything from them in about one or two weeks, well through a funeral in there honor, and-" The children stopped and looked at the door wide eyed. "What?" You asked. Merry pointed at the door.

"An actual army fighter." She said in amazement. You froze. An Army man? You turned around to see a man with an army outfit, shaved head to make it a buzz cut, and a slight beard growing. You didn't know him. But you stood up tall and bowed slightly and looked at him. He took a breath in before saluting.

"Portgas D Ace, Killed In Action, Monkey D Luffy took great damage mentally and physically, he will be returning home." Your eyes widened as you started to cry a bit. You covered your mouth and stepped back a bit. But remembered. You uncovered your mouth, and in the corner of your eye, the kids looked scared, shocked, and sad all at the same time.

"Wh-what about Z-Zoro, Roronoa Zoro? Where is he? Is he alive?" The man didn't speak. You got angry, very angry. "Well....Tell.Me.Now."  You said coldly.

"Roronoa Zoro...Killed In Action."

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