"No, sorry. I still have some official business to do," she pumps her fist and I cock my head in confusion, "You'll see," she says with a sense of determination, "I'm sure you'll like it." She grins and my heart beats fast.

Is she going to confess her feelings to me?! Yeah right, she doesn't even know I like her....Or maybe she's going to give me a hug or a kiss or maybe...All these dream-like thoughts roam through my head and I blow a fuse.

"Oi Noya, are you alright?!" Sakura asks me and I try to keep my composure.

"Yep, totally fine...I can't wait to see it," I put my hand over my face to make the blushing stop. I might get a bloody nose if I keep thinking things like that.

She looks at the clock and her eyes widen, "I need to go right now," She takes the bag from the pink haired girl and waves, "Bye Rina! See you later Noya, Asahi!" she smiles and quickly leaves in a flash.

I turn to Asahi. That's right, I've got business to do too, and that's to win the Inter-high Preliminaries. I pull Asahi's arm, "Time for us to go too!" I grin and I sense some unease coming from Asahi, but I ignore it.

"Noya, sometimes you're too energetic," he comments as I pull to the volleyball gym.

"I'll take that as a compliment," I grin and his face pales.

"Don't worry, Nishinoya. I won't leave the team again. I know everyone has my back and I can depend on you guys when I really need it," He straightforwardly says to my surprise.

"Heh, did you get those words from Sakura?" I chuckle, leaving him startled.

"How did you know?" He asks in amazement.

"Just a hunch," I say, but I already knew Sakura told Asahi the words that I couldn't say. Those words must have done a lot, because now that Asahi is back and not running away really shows that he's gotten stronger. Now that I know our ace is definitely back, I'm not going to lose when it comes to receiving.

"It's true though. I have to hold my head high and say I'm Karasuno's ace," he says in a determined voice, "I'm not going to let a loss like that ever drag me down," he says forming a fist and I grin.

"Right!" I proudly say, "Let's practice and get better! After all, tomorrow is the day!"  The two of us head to the gym and practice our hearts out.

Sakura POV
(Time skip -> After Practice- In the volleyball gym)

"Shimizu, I have the banner," I whisper to her and point to the bag near Takeda-sensei, "If you want, you can wish them good luck now," I tell her with a little grin.

"Thanks, Sakura," she sweetly says and goes to the boys who just finished their practice.

"I'm not...All that good with...Words of encouragement, so..." She stumbles, but continues, "this is something Sakura and I did," She signals me and I rush to the bag to get the banner.

"Takeda-sensei, can you help us?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Leave it to me," he says and takes over as he carries the banner to where Shimizu is. Takeda-sensei secures one end and I secure the other. Shimizu holds the middle of the banner. The three of us let the banner drape down showing it off...


It looks the same as it did before, however it truly expresses a different feeling from before. Just from the way Rina painted it, you know that this was something some made with passion and delicacy.

"Who thought of such a thing?" Sugawara asks in amazement.

"I found it while cleaning and fixed it up with Sakura," Shimizu says.

"We got help from Rina, a friend of ours, to make this banner more stunning," I add in.

"I can feel my motivation surging!" Nishinoya and Tanaka say together pumping their fists.

"....Wait...There's more," Daichi says and looks back to us.

"Do...Do your best!" Shimizu and I say together and we quickly look at each other and walk away before this turns to an awkward moment. I really hope they enjoy it. I come down from the ladder to see their reactions and...


"Shimizuuu....!!! Sakuraaa....!!!" Tears shoot out of the third and second years' eyes. Natsuki and all the first years look at them surprised seeing them cry out of nowhere. Even I'm a little surprised that they're getting so emotional over this...I never expected that to happen.

"Sakura, did you help out with this when you were Shimizu?" Noya asks with happy tears and I nod my head as I watch him burst into more tears of happiness.

"Shimizu-san and Sakura-chan are the best!" Tanaka loudly shouts, hugging Nishinoya.

"These fools are seriously happy about this," Natsuki turns to me and Shimizu. "I'm impressed that you two found it at such a perfect time. With this big boost, it will surely make them play better," Natsuki comments and stares at the banner. She turns to me again and asks me,. "Sakura, did Rina really paint that?"

"Rina did," I answer and she continues staring at it, "why do you ask?"

"No reason. It's just a surprise to me," She gives a faint smile.

"Everyone, listen up! This is a great boost of morale!" Daichi shouts, "Let's go make Karasuno known out there!"

"Yeah!!!" They all shout and I smile. Tomorrow is the day of the Inter-high Preliminaries, and it will also be the day I'll see my old friend, Mihane Iwasaki.

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