Chapter 4

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As they arrived at the pool, they noticed that no one was there. "That's odd," Marco said. "There's always lots of people here at this time." They went through the entrance and heard a familiar voice. "No, you idiots! We're trying to terrorize the neighborhood, not lounge in the pool!" Ludo and his minions were in the pool, taking up all the space. Frightened mothers and children huddled by the exit. "Ludo!" Star called. Ludo looked up. "Well, well, it's the Two lovebirds. Princess of Mewni and Karate Boy." Marco and Star immediately let go of each other's hands and blushed. "What are YOU doing here?" Marco demanded. "Oh, you know, just making plans for terrorizing the neighborhood, the usual," Ludo said. "I don't THINK so," Star said, taking out her wand. "Dagger crystal heart attack!" She yelled, blasting the monsters. They went flying out of the pool. Ludo had managed to jump out of the way. He took out his dimensional scissors and opened his portal. He sighed. "Come on, come on!" He shouted to his minions. "You guys are truly the worst!! I'll get you for this, Star Butterfly!" He went into the portal and closed it. "That was odd," Star said. She grabbed Marco's hand again. "Come on, let's jump in!" She ran in, and Marco followed. She poked her head out of the water, wiping her eyes. "This feels goooddd!!" She laughed, splashing Marco. Marco splashed her back. They spent all afternoon splashing each other and dodging each other's attempts at splashing. "We better get going if we're going to dinner," Marco said, getting out of the water. Star followed. They left together, their hands entwined. Star kept trying to get Marco to give her a piggyback ride home, and he finally caved in. Marco carried Star home, and Star carried their bags. When they arrived home, they saw the Laser puppies waiting for them in the window. Star giggled. "I'm coming, silly poochies!" She ran in and was immediately tackled by the puppies. Marco went upstairs to get ready.

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