First Day Alone - Callie

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Callie's POV-
Harry had to go to the studio today so it's my first day alone with Darcy. It's been roughly a month since I had Darcy and she's doing a lot more than she used to. She grunts, gurgles, and does sound like that. Since she is becoming more aware of her surroundings and things like that when ever she does those things we have to encourage her and basically cheer her on.
Eleanor and Louis visit frequently but not as much as Zayn and Perrie. Since Zayn and Perrie are getting married soon she says that this is like secret training for him, she's a pretty smart girl.
Louis has basically made me his confidant in a secret that he hasn't told anyone else and it's that he is planning on proposing to Eleanor. It's hard for me to keep the secret from Harry, cause I see him constantly, but it's quite hard to keep it from El. Sometimes I just talk to Darcy quietly when Harry's asleep or when he's in the shower, even though I know she doesn't understand, nor can she respond.
As for me and Harry, we are being pretty good parents, I'm not saying we're the best but we are pretty good. I mean we haven't hurt Darcy and we both feed and change her diapers.
I sat in the baby pink chair in Darcy's room, reading a book as she slept in her bouncer. I closed my book and looked at Darcy. The little bit or brown hair that stayed on top of her head. Her emerald green eyes gently closed and her lips pursed together. I put her in a white onesie with pink dots that says," My daddy is lucky to have me and my mommy!" In black letters.
After an hour her eyes fluttered open revealing her eyes that look shockingly like Harry's. A faint coo came out of her mouth and I crouched down by her and smiled. I picked her up and walked downstairs. I gently placed her in the bouncer that we keep downstairs and I walked into the kitchen. I got myself an apple and then once I heard Darcy start to cry, I also grabbed her bottle. I left it to warm up and went to get Darcy.
I held her in my arms and sat on the couch while I fed her the bottle. I watched tv and set the bottle on the table as Darcy slept on my stomach in the fetal position.
Harry's POV-
I got home and I saw Callie passed out on the couch with baby Darcy sleeping on her stomach. I closed. The door quietly and walked over to them. I took a few pictures and then walked into the kitchen. Hello new screen saver.

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