A Baby Is Coming!

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Callie's POV-

I crawled out of bed and went into Harry and my shared bathroom. I switched on the light and took off my slippers. I'm a week late and I can't wait to get this baby out! Right when I took off my slippers something warm trickled down my leg. I was sure it wasn't pee so my water just broke! I cleaned up the tiny puddle and rushed out. I turned on Harry's bed side lamp and sat on the side of his bed. He groaned and lightly opened his eyes.

" What?" He asks, groggily

" My water kinda broke." I say with a smile

He sits up straight, eyes wide open," You're serious?" He asks with a big smile

I shake my head and walk towards the door. He scrambles out of bed and takes off his pajama bottoms. I walk down the stairs as fast as I can go which isn't that fast and slip on my flats. I put on my sweater and wait for Harry patiently. He runs down the stairs with the hospital bag in his hand. He walks towards the door and opens it. He rushes out but I grab his shoulder.

" You might want to put on some shoes." I suggest with a smile

" Uhh, yeah, shoes. That's a good idea." I says, a bit embarrassed and his cheeks tinted crimson red

I grab the car keys and his phone along with my phone and we walk to the car. I get in the passenger's seat and he gets in the driver's seat after putting everything in the back. He drives through the empty streets in London through the darkness since it's only four thirty in the morning. We get to the hospital and we walk in, neither of us really saying anything. We get admitted to a private room and I change into the robe and crawl into bed.

We watch reruns of Friends while we wait for the doctor. I got some contractions while we watched but they didn't really hurt to bad. The doctor came in and said that I was three centimeters dilated. Apparently that's pretty quick so she said that this would go fast.

* Four Hours Later *

I have dilated five and a half centimeters, putting me at eight and a half centimeters, in four hours and the doctor said that it would usually take women at least six hours to get where I am from where I was. The pain is indescribable so I got the drugs. My stomach tightens for like a minute and then it loosens and then like three minutes later it happens again, it sucks! One of the worst things about all of this is that I only got to have chips four hours ago and now they're not letting me eat. The last time the doctor came in it was about forty five minutes ago and she should come back soon again.

The doctor came back about twenty minutes later to check how mush I've dilated.

" You've reached ten centimeters. I'll be back and you be ready to push." She says before walking out

I start to freak out a bit but Harry calms me down by singing to me softly. When ever I would breath out of my mouth my breath would be shaky and I would scratch off all of my nail polish. Before the doctor comes back Harry calls all of the guys and his mum letting them know what's going on and they could come if they want to. I stare at the clock and it says 9:17 a.m. I smile thinking about holding my baby in my arms for the first time.

The doctor walks back in and sits in the swivel chair. She rolls over to where the baby is going to come out, if you know what I mean and Harry grabs one of my hands. I grab my right leg with my right arm and Harry grabs my left leg with my left are. The doctor secures her gloves and then looks up at me.

" When I say push you push." She says

I nod my head and then she looks back down.

" Okay push." She says

I clench my jaw and grind my teeth as I push the pressure down my bottom half. I let out a little moan out of pain before she left me know I can stop. I take a few pants and Harry kisses the top of my head before I have to do it again. I did it, like, three more times but she still wasn't coming out. I finally just flopped down onto the bed with sweat dripping down my forehead.

" I can't do it. She just doesn't want to come out." I cry

" She will, now come on." Harry says lifting me up from behind my back," I believe in you." He whispers in my ear

I blink away all of my tears and hold my right leg again.

" Push, Callie." The doctor demands

I push again and scream out of pain this time because it hurt more than the other ones.

" She's crowning!" The doctor shouts over my screams of pain

I push harder two more times until I flop down back onto the bed. The room is silent until loud high pitched cries emerge from my baby. They take her away to clean her up and Harry kisses me passionately on the lips.

" I will never understand women." He whispers with a smile

I chuckle at his comment and kiss him again.

" The guys are gonna go crazy." I whisper with a slight giggle

The doctors brought her back over swaddled in a baby pink blanket and a cute white and pink hat. They placed her in my arms carefully and a tear dropped out from my eye. Harry was right next to me on the bed looking at her.

" Do you guys have a name for the birth certificate?" The doctor asks

" Darcy, Darcy Elizabeth Styles-Lackner." Harry says proudly as I play with little, baby Darcy in my arms

She has a little bit of spit up on her chin so I wipe it away with my pointer finger. Right as I'm about to take my finger away she grabs it. I smile to myself and let Harry hold her.

Darcy Elizabeth Styles-Lackner. Born August 23, 2013 at 9:38, weighing a healthy seven pounds six ounces. Welcome Darcy. ^^ Pic On The Side ^^

Teen Pregnancy (Harry Styles)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang