First Doctors Appointment

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Callie's POV-

Harry and I were sitting in the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room of the doctors office. I'm going to get my first sonogram and Harry is a bit nervous. He taps his fingers and bounces his legs. I look at my phone to distract myself from his nervousness but I always focus on it. I place my hand on top of his.

" Babe, calm down. Everything will be fine." I assure him

" How are you not nervous." He asks playing with my fingers

" Because, I believe everything will be fine and unless you want me to start freaking out I suggest that you calm down." I say, annoyed at his nervous actions

Before he can respond we are called. They lead us into the room and I sit on the chair. Harry stands on my left side by my head. I grab his head lightly and pull it towards mine. I give him a kiss and then let go of his head.

" Calm down." I say looking him in the eyes.

The doctor walks in and goes on my right.

" Okay. Today we will be doing a simple sonogram to check how your baby is. I will need you to lift your shirt to the top of your stomach." She says

I do as told and then Harry grabs my hand lightly.

" This might be a bit cold." She warns me before squirting the light aqua blue gel on my stomach

She takes out the wand thing and spreads out the gel on my stomach. The room is dead silent until a loud heartbeat goes through the room.

" There's your baby." She says pointing to the screen

She looks at both of us and then walks towards the door," I'll leave you two alone." She says, then walking up.

I sit up and look at it closer. A tear comes out of my eye and there is a big smile on my face. Harry kisses the top of my head and stares at the screen with me.

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