Gender Reveal

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Callie's POV-

I laid in the uncomfortable chair/table in the doctors office. Harry was standing on my left again tapping the side of the chair anxiously while I pick at my nails. This time I'm nervous because we're finding out the gender of the baby. I really don't know why I'm nervous but I am. The doctor walked in and sat in the swivel chair on my right side. She started the ultrasound and then turned towards us instead of the computer.

" Would you like to know the gender." She asks kindly

" Yes." Harry and I both say simultaneously

She smiles and turns back to the computer. She moves the wand around on my round stomach. Her smile become wider and I look back at the screen.

" It's a girl." She says before walking out

I kiss Harry and he kisses me back.

{I know this chapter isn't that good but I'm not good at writing 'sappy' stuff}

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