}{ Chapter Fifteen }{

Start from the beginning

"Where did you come from?" You asked while running.

"When the lights went off I went to turn them on and someone attacked me down in the basement. I assume it was the kidnapper's accomplice."

"Did you kill him?"

"No, he got away after stabbing me. My, stab wounds do hurt." After Sebastian said that you noticed a blot of red on his white button up shirt.

"Did you at least see him?"

"No, too dark." Sebastian jumped down from the trees and ran next to you.

So he doesn't know it was Jasper, good. Now I can kill him myself. You thought happily.

You spotting white in front of you. Perfect, you took a knife from your hand and threw it, the head moved slightly to the side. The blade just missed it. Dante looked back at you and smiled, "Not today pretty girl!"

"A knife?" Sebastian asked.

"I promise I'll clean them later." You pulled the knife out of the tree as you ran by.

Sebastian smiled and held out his hand, knives and forks were in it. "They make good weaponry don't they?"

"Yeah," you took a fork and threw it. It hit Dante in the shoulder. You could see Ciel's head bobbing up and down as Dante ran. He looked like a limp doll.

The impact on his shoulder made him lose balance. You saw the spot of white disappear. You ran up to him, Dante was on the ground holding Ciel in a sitting position. He had a knife to Ciel's throat. "One step, I dare yah." He was panting, sweat beaded down his forehead and blood was spreading along his shoulder.

"Sir, please don't do anything stupid to my Young Master." Sebastian said calmly.

"I'll kill him! You know I will!" He pointed towards you, "You've seen me do it [f/n], you know what I'm capable of."

Sebastian gave you a confused look. You shrugged. "Let him go," you said quietly and calmly.

You stood still, clenching the silverware in your hands.

"If you two don't leave, I'll hurt him. I will!" Dante picked Ciel's wrist up and started drawing little lines across it. Red appeared out of the skin.

"Don't you dare touch my Master!" Sebastian's voice boomed, you wanted to jump at how surprising it was. You've never heard Sebastian lose his temper like that.

Dante gripped Ciel around the throat, "You'd be stupid to come closer boy. I've got the upper hand."

Ciel coughed, his eye opened up just a slit. You could see him looking at you. You watched him struggle to breath, and grab at Dante's hands that just gripped harder when Ciel struggled.

"Se-bas-tian," Ciel croaked, "kill."

A large grin took up Sebastian's face, "Pleasure." He stepped forwards.

You ran out in front of him and threw your hands up against his chest, "Don't!"

"Out of the way, my Master has given me an order." Sebastian started to push you aside.

You grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his ear close to your mouth. "Keep him alive, then we can follow him back to whoever put him up to this." You whispered into his ear.

Sebastian stood straight again and gave you a slight nod. You spun around and kicked Dante in the face. You lunged and stuck forks and knives into his arms. "Don't try this again." You kicked his chest, he fell back gasping for air. Before Ciel could hit the ground, Sebastian had caught him.

You looked at Ciel in Sebastian's arms. He was unconscious but was still breathing. His arm dripped with blood, you ripped your dress and wrapped cloth around his cuts. Finger marks around Ciel's neck were starting to show.

"Don't worry, he'll be alright. He has experienced situations such as this one before and he's gotten through them just fine." Sebastian smiled at him softly, "That's just what he does."

You nodded your head, not wanting to ruin Sebastian's strange intimate moment with unconscious Ciel. You followed them back to the manor. The other servants had put all the guests in their carriages.

"Master Ciel!" Finny yelled and ran up to you, "What happened to him?"

"Some looney tried to kill him."

"Is he going to be alright?" Mey-Rin asked.

"Yes, he'll be fine within a few days rest." Sebastian stopped in front of them.

"Well he's asleep, I guess it's okay for us to say this." Finny looked at Mey-Rin.

She smiled and cupped her face, "He looks so cute!"

"Like a baby held in Sebastian's arms!" Finny smiled.

You looked at them and then back at Ciel. You thought he looked like a limp doll, but now that you looked at him closely. He didn't look empty like a doll, he looked sweet and at peace.

Ciel coughed, but didn't open his eyes.

"I should put the Young Master to bed." Sebastian walked past Mey-Rin and Finny. "[f/n], come."

You followed Sebastian to Ciel's bedroom. You've never been in it before, it was beautiful and grand.

"Watch him while I go track down the man that kidnapped him." Sebastian quickly changed Ciel and put him in his bed. He pulled up a chair besides his bed for you.

You sat down in it.

"Please be careful with my Young Master, he's very delicate, even if he seems hard as stone." Sebastian closed the door.

You sank deeper into the chair, watching Ciel's steady breathing. He looks so peaceful. He looks like the little boy he's supposed to be. You thought tiredly.

You leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on his forehead. "The game has only just begun." You whispered as you fell asleep.
<::::::::::::{===O O===}::::::::::::>

Thanks for reading! Please vote if you liked this chapter, I'd appreciate it!

WTF Black Butler Moment:
Part two of Book of Murder. Sebastian running around, trying to be dead and alive was funny. And when Ciel was beating up fake dead Sebby, the look he got.

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