"Oh hi Zoe! So glad you're here. Love you too! Want a picture with me?"

"Yes! So much!"

I didn't dare to ask her what 1989 Secret Sessions were,I guess she got it wrong or something.

Besides her,there were all these other fans smiling and saying their 'I love you's to me. I was so happy to see them.

I was so happy,I actually stopped walking,out of the sudden and said ;

"Hey everyone! So glad to meet you guys again! I love you all!"

And smiled.

Screams got louder and louder. As if I were in a concer
I waved happily at them as I got into a cab,leading to my London apartment.


Taylor's POV

I sat down on my bed and I rethought about the few days ever since I got back from the hospital.

Its strange how ever since that particular day I felt like I wasn't myself.

I got a new cat,

My hair all short and all,

Me buying an apartment in NYC,



He keeps haunting my thoughts for some reason.

Is that even okay?

I shook those thoughts away and took my phone out of my skinny jeans.

No text or call from Harry. Why is that?

I checked my old message from him and he didn't even seen it.

It was just sent,but never seen.

I then started to message him again,hoping he'll answer by the time

T:Hey Harry! I missed you so much!❤ Wanna like,meet somewhere in London? I'm in London now,I guess its quite obvious. Haha Love you to the moon and back. Hm,cheezy stuff

I clicked sent and there the message went.

I unpacked some stuff and cleaned around the place.

There wasn't much cleaning,unlike before. It seems that I was here recently. But when?

After cleaning up,I changed into a mini skirt and a crop top to get ready to meet Harry. He hasn't replied,so maybe I thought I could just drop by his house.

6pm. It was still quite early,so I planned going around 7pm.

I was so bored. I just didn't know what to do.
And the fact that Calvin keeps popping up in my mind bothers me.

Then,it hit me,why not just search him?

I immediately clicked Safari on my phone and typed it 'Calvin Harris'.


Guess what I saw.

News Update:Is Calvin breaking up with Taylor?

News Update:The 1989 singer Taylor Swift, left Calvin Harris right at Starbucks in NYC. Is this the end of Tayvin?

My eyes were as big as the sun.

I was actually into this guy?

Like what?


Once again,I was confused as crazy. I clicked on one of the websites and started reading.

Its been almost 6 months of Taylor and Calvin being together. But unfortunately today,Taylor has flown off to London,leaving Calvin. Rumours were spread saying that Tay has been messaging Harry lately,and flew to London just for Harry.

Ugh. Rumours.

But I guess it is kinda true.

I did come here for Harry. I guess?

I searched and searched some more for this Calvin guy,and it was stated that he's a DJ, something to do with EDM.

His real name was Adam Richard Wiles. Maybe that's why he asked me to call him that.

I scrolled through images of him and yeah he was hot.

I guess I never looked at him properly.

He had blue eyes just like me.


I searched til it was 7pm.


I immediately put lite make up on my face and called a cab to pick me up.

They came in a quick amount of time.

In the car,I texted Harry again saying

T:Hey Harry!! I'm coming over to your house :) I can't wait to see you again ❤❤ missed you so much xx


"Thank you Ms Swift!" The cab driver said,as I handed him €15.

I walked towards Harry's front door and knocked.

A sudden feel came over me. How if he didn't open the door?

How if he hates me?

He hasn't been replying lately,and I don't know,we seem so distant.

Knock knock.

Finally after how many attempts,the door was opened,but only enough for that person to see me,but not for me to see that person.

"Taylor?" someone's voice said, sounding unsure.

"Harry? Is that you?" I said,feeling unsure as well.


To be continued.


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