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"The stocks of this market aren't going up at all, on the contrary, I think they're going to drop soon. We should most definitely sell," says Paul, my trusty advisor, but my mind is too occupied to comprehend him.

I nod, not hearing a word he's saying.

"Are you even listening to me, Alec?" Paul's voice rings out, startling me.

"No." I look up at him and watch while his expression changes from surprise to amusement.

"What has gotten into you? You have been distracted, to say the least, for the past week." He takes a seat in front of me, reminding me that he's not only my company's advisor but also my cousin and friend.

"This girl has really gotten into my head," I say, shaking my head in disbelief while loosening my tie.

"What?" Paul says, shocked. "Since when do women have this effect on you?"

"I don't know, man. I really don't...This one is so different. She's the most fascinating yet complicated woman I've ever seen."

Paul nods, a smile creeping up on his face, making me frown.

"I think Mr. Player has finally been whipped." Paul laughs and I join him, shaking my head.

"No, not possible. I'm just having trouble making her open up to me. I'll do it though and once I do, I'll realize she's like every other girl and I can move on to the next one in peace."

Paul's smile turns into a frown and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Don't you ever think about settling down?" He asks, causing me to laugh.

Oh Paul, as if you don't know me.

It's been a week...One whole damn long since our 'date' at the soup Kitchen.

I check my phone again while sipping my coffee, my hopes rising far too high when I notice I've got a new text, only for them to come crashing down when I realize it's from Melody. I sigh, placing my head in my hands and fighting the urge to throw my phone at the wall.

Why is her silence affecting me this way? This is not normal for me, I'm not used to this...

I can't seem to figure this woman out. Everytime I take a step closer, she takes ten back.

It's maddening!

I have never wanted someone so desperately, I have never needed someone like I need her!

In relationships, I'm usually the one who has the upper hand but this girl, she kicked the door to my heart open, stormed in and took claim of it as if it's her rightful territory.

I know she's not as okay as she says she is but I also know she's much stronger than she claims to be. She has so many scars but that's what makes her beautiful, the fact that she has accepted them as her own skin.

Why won't she let me in, god damn it! Is my affection not clear enough? How can I make it clearer?

I slam my coffee mug on the kitchen counter, causing it to break into a million little pieces. The housekeeper rushes in, trying to contain her shocked expression as I wash away the blood from my hand.

The physical pain doesn't ease the emotional one like so many before me have claimed.

My revelation takes me by surprise as I utter the words I'd never thought I'd ever say.

"I love you Sarah..."

Unwanted LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora