The first date

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I realize Anna is still waiting for my good bye on the other end of the phone. 

 "Yea, okay." My voice is barely a whisper and my heart is beating so fast I think I might faint. 

"Bye." I say quickly and hang up before she figures out that there is something wrong with my voice, and then I'd have to face her endless stream of questions which I so happened to avoid this morning because of her heartbreak.  Is it bad for me to feel relieved?

 I sigh as I glance up at the man, still waiting by the counter.

 I cant believe he's here. 

 I walk purposefully over to him. He smiles and stands up straighter when he sees me. 

"Hi", I say tenderly, avoiding his piercing blue gaze. He's wearing black pants with a white shirt and a black blazer. His short black hair looks almost blue in the clear light of the room and when I approach him, I notice something black beneath his shirt and briefly wonder if he has a tattoo.  

"Hey, Sarah right?" He replies.

"Right. What are you doing here?" I ask, still dumbfounded. I glance around the store at the group of people enjoying their frozen yogurt and I feel immediately stupid for asking that question.

He raises one eyebrow at me. "Can't a man go get some frozen yogurt on a lovely sunny day?" He asks, his accent, which sounds even better when I'm completely sober, making me swoon inside. Gosh, how can he have this effect on me without even so much as touching me?

"Right, so what can I get you?" I ask, just as Robby comes up around the counter.

"Hey, Sarah right?" He replies.

"Right. What are you doing here?" I ask, still dumbfounded. I glance around the store at the group of people enjoying their frozen yogurt and I feel immediately stupid for asking that question.

He raises one eyebrow at me. "Can't a man go get some frozen yogurt on a lovely sunny day?" He asks, his accent, which sounds even better when I'm completely sober, making me swoon inside. Gosh, how can he have this effect on me without even so much as touching me?

"Right, so what can I get you?" I ask, just as Robby comes up around the counter.

"Hey Sarah, want me to take this one since your on your lunch break?" He asks, looking Alec up and down. I sigh inwardly, thinking of a way to fend him off nicely.

"Err.., No its okay, I can handle this one, thanks Rob." I say, a blush spreading on my cheeks as Robby gives me a pointed look with raised eyebrows.

I turn back to Alec who's regarding me with amusement.

"Well, I wont take much of your lunch break. I just need two things.The first one, is a question." He says, his face still etched with amusement.

"Yes?" I ask cautiously, my heart fluttering at his deep English accent.

"Do you like sushi?" He asks, and I can't believe he could keep a straight face while asking that because I suddenly start to giggle.

"You're kidding, right?" I tell him, still laughing but I immediately stop when I see his surprised and sort of annoyed look.

"What's so funny?" He asks, genuinely confused.

"Nothing, Uhm, yes, I like sushi but what does this have to do with anything?" I ask, dumbfound.

"Okay, now that leads me to my other request." He looks around briefly before his clear blue eyes meet mine.

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