The Beginning

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The faint screams became louder by the second, making my already fast beating hard beat louder, filling my ear drums.

"No, no, no, no, no", I repeated the word over and over again, my hands over my ears, in an attempt to block out the screams and yells but they only got louder,more gruesome.

After a bloody scream pierced through me, I gave up trying to hide and ran for the door, swinging it open loudly before rushing towards the stairs, tears already burning my cheeks.

The scene in front of me was now so familiar but it still sent chills through me.

My mother,on her knees, blood pouring from her cut lip. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the tears that were still spilling like a waterfall, tainting her beautiful and scarred face.

My father was hovering over her with crazed eyes. I knew immediately that he's been drinking, like every other night.

"Daddy!" I heard my 7 year old voice say. "Mommy is hurting, why is she hurting?! Stop!" My pleads filled the silence, causing my father to look back at me with animalistic eyes.

I cowered in fear, my body tensing.

"Go upstairs! Now!" His raspy voice rang out firmly but his words were mispronounced,indicating not only that he's been drinking but also that he's been doing drugs.

"No!" I said, bravely and very stupidly.

I ran towards my mother who was still cowering on the floor, her eyes wide with fear.

"I said move, you little piece of shit!" I shivered from his words, afraid to look up into his cruel cold eyes.

"Never." My voice was barely a whisper but from the enraged look on his face, I knew he heard it.

I let out a piercing scream as I woke up, drenched in sweat. I jumped out of bed, tumbling to the floor before hopping to my feet.

My wild eyes frantically searched the dark room before my brain caught up with my body and reminded me where I was.

I relaxed, willing my heart beat to return to normal.

"It's okay, Sarah. It was just another nightmare." My voice came out hoarse and quiet. "Or a memory, to be more specific."

I sighed before reaching towards my phone to check the time.

4:00 A.M.

"Oh well, at least I got some more sleep then usual."

I bite my lip while I think back to the dream, shivering as the images swept across my mind.

"You're not that helpless little girl anymore," I whisper to myself, tears pooling in my eyes .

I quickly shook myself out of my state before pulling on shorts, a tank top and my favorite sneakers.

I grab a water bottle before checking up on my roommate Anna. Once I see that she's sound asleep, thankfully not disturbed by my screams, I head out the door.

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