Unwanted Visitors

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I'm woken by the fresh smell of coffee. My eyes flutter open and my face breaks into a smile when I look over at the bedside table.

A steaming mug of coffee is placed, along with a pill of Advil and a small card that I got too excited about.

Good Morning Beautiful.

I smile to myself before taking the pill and downing the hot coffee, completely waking up and shaking off the sleepy fog around my mind. I go to the huge bathroom in the room and wash my face then attempt to comb back my wild curls. I eventually give up and tie them up in a lazy bun.

When I get out, I notice the set of clothes placed on one of the chairs beside the floor-to-ceiling window. I take a moment to enjoy the breath-taking view before I grab the jeans and simple but pretty white shirt Alec placed out for me.

I quickly get dressed, eager to see him. My mind briefly wanders back to last night. I really shouldn't have drank, I can't remember any particular details but I know I probably said something stupid. I always do when I drink.

I sigh before heading out and taking the stairs to get to the main living room where I find Alec sitting, reading the newspaper. I take a moment to admire the way he frowns while reading.

"Good morning", I say, taking a seat beside him. He looks up from the newspaper, his face immediately lighting up at my sight.

"Morning. You look ravishing, white suits you." I blush at his compliment. He puts the newspaper aside, turning to face me. "What did you have in mind for a wonderful Saturday like this?" I glance at him, raising a curious eyebrow.

"Nothing in particular, did you have something in mind?"

"I actually did", he says smugly before standing up and offering me his hand.

I happily take it, allowing him to pull me to my feet. He places a brief kiss on my lips before grabbing the keys to his car and leading me outside.

I check the time on my phone when I get in the car. 10:30 am.

"So, where to?" I ask Alec as he drives out of the garage.

"Surprise", he whispers. I smile excitedly, tapping my fingers on the headboard.

Alec looks over at me but stays silent, an amused smile plastered on his face while he watches me fidget, barely containing my excitement.

After an hour of driving on the highway and making small talk, I glance at Alec, wondering what the hell is going on in that beautiful but crazy mind of his.

I keep my thoughts to myself though, trying to be patient and failing miserably. I let out a couple sighs to which Alec replies with a grin.

After what seems like another hour and a half, I see a sign that says : Welcome to Ottawa.

"Why are we in Ottawa?" I ask, frowning. Alec stays silent and I follow suit, realizing he won't give in to my questioning.

"You love chocolate, right?" He surprises me by asking after a couple minutes. I nod my head slowly, raising my eyebrow at the randomness of this question.

"I thought random questions were my thing." I laugh and he smiles at me, placing a hand over mine.

"We're here", he finally announces, parking in a really crowded area.

"Where is here, exactly?" I frown, looking around. Alec gets out of the car and I follow, seeing a big brown sign in the distance.

As we walk closer, I make out the words; Ottawa's Chocolate Festival

"Wow. This is your idea for a perfect Saturday?" I arch my eyebrow, trying and failing to hide my wide and childish grin.

"You know you love it." He calls me out and I nod eagerly. He laces his fingers through mine as we join the crowd of people walking toward the entrance.

"Come on, Alec, you can do it!" I yell, grinning while he grabs another ball to try and attempt to hit the lined up cans.

He takes his aim, squinting. I admire the way his muscles flex under his shirt when he raises his arm to take the shot. The cans tumble down and I jump up in excitement when the guy at the counter tells me to choose my prize.

I hug Alec, giving him a peck on the lips. I know it's childish to get so excited over winning a stuffed prize but I've actually never done this before...

I hesitate between two huge owls, one that's black and white and one that's gold. When I look over at Alec, he's smiling and staring at me. I flush then turn back to the owls, biting my lip while I make up my mind.

Alec's hand shoots up and grabs the gold owl, handing it to me. I smile at him, I was already leaning towards that one.

"I know gold is your favorite color." He shrugs, as if it's no big deal but he has no idea how much it means to me that he remembers such details...

"Well, we ate more chocolate than we can hold, played games and won a stuffed animal. Anything else on this very normal, very typical boyfriend/girlfriend date?" I ask, leaning into Alec when he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

Alec laughs then leads me over to the side of the lake. We lean over the railing, watching the sun start to set.

"Thank you", I say, staring off in the distance. "For today, I mean."

"You don't have to thank me, Sarah. I had fun too." He says in his thick accent. When I look over at him, he's staring at me with those deep blue eyes. I start to lean closer, drawn by the endless sea of his eyes just like a magnet.

"Sarah?" I hear a familiar voice say behind me. My eyes open in shock, and I'm frozen to my place, too scared to turn around and face the person I know is standing right behind me.

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