She felt a little strange when they broke through the surface of the water and she felt air on her cheeks. Reflexively, she took a breath, feeling her lungs expanding as she did. It amazed her that something so ordinary could suddenly feel strange. The sun was already rising as they reached the sandy beach. It cast a red hue on the water and Aria wondered if it was possible for the merfolk to find such a thing beautiful.

"Are you alright?" Kai asked, noticing the bewildered look on her face.

Aria smiled at him and nodded, pulling herself onto the beach. "It's all just so surprising, you know? I never imagined it would feel like this."

He returned the smile and sat beside her. "I felt the same way after my first night with legs. Transforming is really incredible. I'll be rather sad when it ends, completely."

She nodded her understanding. "Well, you'll have some fun memories, at least. You'll just have to be sure to make the most of the time you have during the full moon."

"I intend to do that by spending them all with you." He replied. "Of course, that's assuming you still want to spend time with me."

"I do." Aria assured him. "I had fun, tonight, and I look forward to showing you around the human world, next month." She looked out at the sun rising over the ocean, knowing her time as a mermaid was about to end. She found her dress, which Freya had left for her, and pulled it on in preparation of the change.

"I look forward to that, as well." Kai told her with a smile. "Of course, I look forward to every moment spent with you."

Aria gave a dramatic sigh and shook her head. "Always with the cheesy lines. You should really be embarrassed." She turned to look at him and was met with his lips against hers.

As they pulled apart, he smiled. "But you're the one blushing."

She had trouble remembering to breathe, let alone respond. The sun rose higher and she felt pins and needles in her tail, telling her that she was transforming back into a human. When she looked down, she could see her toes, again. She wiggled them, experimentally, almost giggling at the sight. Even that small movement felt strange, now.

Kai watched her and smiled. "I suppose I should be heading back, now."

"I suppose you should." Aria replied, avoiding his gaze. "I'll see you next month."

"It's a date." He told her, slipping into the water before she could argue.

Aria sighed as she stood up, wondering what she was going to do about him. She decided there was no point in worrying, just yet, though. She figured if she decided to remain human, the point would be moot, anyway. She walked, slowly, feeling the sand under her feet and between her toes, enjoying every sensation. There were definitely some good things about having legs.

"Did you have a good time?" Freya asked, looking as though she had waited for just off the beach. She was completely dry and no one could ever tell she had gone for a swim.

Aria nodded and offered her a smile. "It's really nothing like swimming in a fake tail."

"No, I suppose it's not." The nymph agreed, looking her over. She had half-hoped that Aria would hate the experience and never want to try it again, but she had known that was a long shot. "Are you ready to head home?"

"Yeah." Aria looked out over the ocean one last time. "Let's head back." She yawned, suddenly realizing how tired she was.

Freya smiled as she saw that. "You're lucky we have the day off. You look exhausted after that long swim." She led the way back to the car and drove them home, not asking any questions for fear of the answers she might receive.

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