Chapter 14-awkward much...

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Nick's Point Of View-

When I had knocked the Vampire down, I knew that it would mean knocking Jess down with him, but I didn't think that I had hit them with enough force to knock her out cold!

My wolf was howling like crazy, and my mind was being taken over by guilt for causing my little mate harm, but to be honest it was probably for the best. The LAST thing that I would want my mate seeing was me ripping a blood-sucker to pieces.

I had the Vampire pinned down under me. I was in wolf form, so I'm seven and a half feet long, and weigh over three hundred pounds. There is absolutely no way this vampire could lift me off of him.

"Live!" I call out as she came out from behind one of the surrounding trees in her wolf form; which is small, and brown. "I need you to get Jess out of here!"

"On it!" She says; wasting no time at all in getting her away from danger.

"Why are you here?!" I growl at the Vampire who, I realize was not struggling, or even attempting to get out from under me.

"For a Werewolf with Alpha blood you are so stupid!" He says, spitting out the last word in disgust.

I growled in anger, "Just tell me why you're here, or I'm going to snap your damn neck in half!"

The blood-sucker scoffed at my threat. The damn Vampire scoffed at me! Oh Hell no! I could barely hold back my rage, so I did the only thing that I could think of doing in order to keep myself from killing him on the spot. I punched the douche bag in the face.

Blood poured from his nose, but I knew he would heal soon enough.

"Now, tell me why the hell you're here!"

"Isn't *Cough* It obvious*Cough*" He somehow managed to cough out, since he was pretty much choking to death on his blood. Sadly, as soon as I started getting hopeful that he would choke to death, the blood flow slowed; making it easier for him to breathe again.

So close!

"I'm here to collect you, and the hot she-wolf that you ever so kindly knocked unconscious." The sarcasm in his voice was nauseating, and the fact that he had just called my mate hot made it even worse.

I once again did the only thing I could think of at the time. I punched him. again.

This day just keeps getting better and better.

"Who else knows that we are here?" I asked the barely conscious vampire.

"No one else. I'm a tracker, so no one other than I, would be able to find you."


I then snap the vampire's neck, ending his life.

I know that that sounds cruel and evil, but I didn't want to kill him. Hell, I don't want to kill anyone, but it was my mate and I, or Him. I chose to save Jess and I.

"That took some courage, dude." Jackson says, revealing himself from the shadowy veil of the woods around us. It was bright out, but the branchy trees keep the sunlight from touching the ground anywhere near where we were.

"Thanks man. I honestly don't know why I got so angry at you before, by the way. Are we cool?" I ask with sincerity and pain in my voice.

"Yeah man, were cool." He says, and he reaches his hand out. We bro hug and the only thing that I think of is how big of dumb ass I look like right now. I'm so glad that Jess isn't here to see this awkward bro moment.

"What the..."

Whoops I spoke too soon.

Jess's point of view-

I awoke with a sharp pain in my chest, and a feeling of loneliness. Luckily, Live was there to give me an explanation for both of those feelings.

I had learned that the loneliness that I felt was due to the fact that my mate was over a mile away from me. It feels like my chest is completely empty, hollow even.

The vampire may have only been running with me for ten seconds until Nick had caught up to us, but we supernatural beings, can run at supernatural speeds. You'd be surprised at how fast a werewolf can run when their mate is in danger.

Anyway, the pain that I had felt in my chest was because of the cracked rib that I had received when I was knocked to the ground accidently by my, oh-so gentle mate. (Note the sarcasm).

"Please!" I begged. "Live, you aren't my mother, I can go and find him if I want to." I say begging her to let me go and find Nick.

"No way in hell, am I letting my best friend go back into the woods where she was just kidnapped by a vampire, and especially not since you have a cracked rib!"

"I really don't want to have to do this!" I say, knowing that she won't let me go without a little bit of 'persuading'.

"You know I'm really starting to miss Jackson. We should go and find them."

Ok I know that I said I don't like using my powers, but the emotions that I feel are multiplied, so you're feeling of sadness is my depressed, and you're happy is my ecstatic, so this feeling of loneliness is almost unbearable. I don't know why that is, but I can't stop it so I might as well embrace it.

Oh, and just to be clear, I didn't make her say that! I used my powers to change her emotion from worried to lonely. I refuse to make anyone do anything anymore.

"That's a great idea!" I say already sliding on a pair of flip-flops.

With that we made our way outside. I could smell Nick, and knew he couldn't be too far away. His strong scent of pine cones and cinnamon was nearly over whelming.

"What the..." I say walking into the clearing in the woods where I had passed out about an hour ago, and seeing my mate and Jackson in an EXTREMELY awkward hug.

"Oh... Hey Jessie! You're awake!" Says Nick, who immediately removed himself from the hug, and making his way over to me.

When he tried to move in on a kiss, I backed away grinning. There was absolutely no way I was going to pass up this opportunity to make fun of my normally perfect mate.

"No. No. No. No. No. You need to save those lips for your new mate." I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face when Nick gave me the death glare.

"I am so getting back at you for that!" Nick says and I take off running.

Just as I had suspected he would, Nick followed closely after me.

He chased after me for a little while longer until he grew tired of the chase and tackled me to the ground. He switched our positions so that I would land on top of him instead of the other way around. We laughed about it for what seemed like hours.

I have never been happier in my entire life than I am in this moment.


Hey guys! Sorry that it took me so long to post this chapter, but I was having one of the worst cases of writers block I have ever had!

Well, I hope you liked it!

Please read my other stories if you havent already!

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I love you all for sticking with me this long!


Type To You Later!


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