Chapter 4- finally together

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Jess’s Point of View-

Seven O’clock came sooner than I had originally anticipated. By the time Live had gone home it was already 6:30.  I had to rush to redo all of my makeup, and I also flat ironed my hair. Once I was sure that it was pin-straight, I ran for my closet and quickly picked out a pair of distressed skinny jeans and a grey, skin tight t- shirt that had flowing fabric by the short sleeves, and it ran all the way down both sides of the shirt. It is a hard shirt to describe, but I hope you can understand the gist of it. Anyway, I texted Nick once I had finished putting my clothes on. I asked him to meet me at the playground that my dad used to take me to when I was younger. The playground holds a special place in my heart, so I thought that it would be a great place to get to know my mate better. Who knows, maybe one day Nick and I will have our own pups playing on that very same playground that we got to know each other at.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, by my cell phone vibrating next to me.

Meet you by the swings in ten- Nick

Okay, see you then.=) – Jess

 With that I quickly picked out a pair of black wedges and left for the playground.

Here goes nothing.


I met up with Nick at the park just like I said I would. When I first pulled up to the playground and my heart was pounding in my ears, and I’m pretty sure that Nick only knew I was there, because he could hear it. We didn’t talk much at first. We sat there on the swingset in the peace of knowing that my mate is sitting right next to me.

“We should play a game to get to know each other a little better.” I suggest wanting to break the ice.

“strip poker!?” Nick sounded way to excited about his suggestion. What a guy!

“Even my own mate is a perv! Do guys even have shame?” Leave it to my mate to suggest that.

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. What game do you want to play?”

“Well, I’ll ask you a question and you have to answer truthfully, and vice versa.” I try to explain the rules as simply, as I could. Not wanting to complicate things.

“Okay, you can go first.”

“Alright…..” I pause to think of a question. “Why did you walk away from me the first time we met?”

I decided to start with the question that has been bugging the hell out of me for a few days now.

“I left because it was my first day, and I didn’t want to be late.”

“Oh.” Well I feel stupid!

“Wait it was your first day? Where did you come from?” I ask completely forgetting about the game.

“Actually, if I’m not mistaken, it’s my turn to ask you a question.” Damn it!

“Where were you yesterday? I know you weren’t at school, because I couldn’t smell you, and you weren’t at school today either. Why?”


“Um... I …Well… um...” I stuttered. I don’t want to answer him to be completely honest, but I know that if I want him to answer all of my questions, I have to answer all of his.

“You can trust me. You know that, right Jess? I am your mate after all.” Nick said sweetly, encouraging me to answer the question.

“…because I was at home alone… crying in my bed….and… Well, yelling at my wolf to shut up…Please don’t laugh at me.” I had expected him to laugh at me for being such a loser, but instead of laughing, he frowned.

“You cried for two days in a row, because of me?” His voice was quivering and he sounded disappointed. I don’t think it was towards me, I think it was towards himself. “I am such a dick..” Nope he was definitely disappointed in himself.

“No you’re not! I accept your apology so there’s nothing to be upset about… it’s alright.” I got off of my swing and made my way over to his. He signals for me to sit on him lap, and I do so. I don’t weigh much, so I didn’t feel bad about using him as a seat.

“Since it’ my turn now…” I say to change the subject, “ You should answer my question from before…” I yawn loudly, causing Nick to yawn as well.

“I’ll answer your question tomorrow. Alright? .For now I think you should head home and get some sleep.

“Alright.” I say honestly too tired to argue with him.

“Good, come on. I didn’t take my car, so I’ll drive you.”

“Okay, but only under one condition…” He looked at me confused and I couldn’t hold in my giggles.

“What is the condition, and then maybe I’ll think about it.” He said with a smirk on his face.

“Only if we finish what we started..” I didn’t give him time to react before I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him into me.

I looked up into his perfect blue eyes and smiled, knowing what was going to happen next. He understood what I meant when I said, “finish what we started” And tilted my head up to his. He’s like 6’ 5” so I had to stand on my toes to reach is face. He gently pressed his lips to mine and the sparks that flew were almost over whelming. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it was a kiss.

“Will you be my girlfriend, Jess? Like officially?” Nick says pulling away from our previous embrace. Well I wasn’t expecting that one!

“Yes!” I say a little in shock of his question, but happy just the same. “I would love to!”

“Good! Now let’s get you home.”

He took my hand in his and led me to my black convertible bug. He got into the driver’s seat after he made sure I was safely in the passenger’s seat.

We hadn’t been on the road thirty seconds, before I ended up falling asleep with my head rested on my mates shoulder.


Whoop! Whoop! Four chapters finished! Yeah! Lol I don't even know why, but I'm extremely hyper right now. Ok well....


please vote for me my wolflovin brethren! I love you all!

this is going to be an extremely short authors note!

well. TTYL. Type To You Later!


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