"I didn't notice your tattoo, when did you get this?" I asked her, pointing at the permanent ink that was on the side of her body. It was an infinity sign with two letters in it.

"A few weeks ago, when I dyed my hair," she told me, looking down at her tattoo. 

"Damn babe, that's so hot," I said to her and licked my lips after. Cassie never wanted tattoos. She always said that she would never be able to get one because she would faint at the sight of a needle so knowing that she was badass enough to get one made her so much more attractive. I was really attracted to women with tattoos, so you could just imagine what seeing a tattoo on her did to me.

I motioned for her to come closer to me and when she did I took a better look on the tattoo. It was made perfectly and I realized that the letters were her parents' initials. That made me smile. "I like it."

"Yeah I'm in love. I think I want another one," she said to me, pulling her shirt back down.

"Don't get too crazy with the tattoos babe," I told her. I remembered the day  someone said that to me and I promised I wouldn't but over the years I had just gotten more and more and I lost count after the 22nd tattoo, which was a bible verse on my right shoulder.

"I won't," she assured with a smile.

"Okay listen. I'm having a family day today and I wanted to ask you if you wanna come along?" I asked her. I had asked my parents if they could take the entire day off so I could go out with them and my siblings and because ao had a present for them and I wanted Cassie to see it as well.

"I would love to," Cassie replied. "What are we going to do?" she asked me.

"We'll go to the city first. I thought about going to the park later, having a little picnic you know?" I let her know and she nodded.

"Yeah that sounds great. Let me just get ready real quick and then we can go," she said to me.

"Alright, I'll call my mom to let her know that we are coming soon," Cassie gave me a nod and kissed me, then she walked out of the room. I took my phone and dialed my mother's number.

An hour and a half later, after Cassie had gotten ready and eaten, we made our way to my parents house. I had suggested to pick them up so we could together go to the city. I sat in my car alone while Cassie was in Kyra's Range Rover that she borrowed because there wouldn't be enough place for all of us in just one car so we had to take two. Cassie was driving just behind me until we drove to South Central and stopped in front of my parents house.

I got out of my car and told Cassie to wait for me so I could get my family. I walked through the front porch over to the door and rang the bell. I waited for a few seconds and then the door opened and I looked down at my beautiful mother.

"Hey mom," I greeted her with a smile and then I reached out to hug her.

"Hey Justin," she said back to me and pulled back from the hug, "wait a second I'll go get the rest," she said and I nodded.

Mom quickly disappeared inside the house and a minute later I saw Jaxon and Jazmyn running over to me. I went down so I was the same hight as them and hugged them both at the same time. I kissed Jazzy's cheek and ruffed Jaxon's hair after they pulled away from the hug and asked them both if they were doing good. After I got a pleasant answer, I stood up again and went to greet my father who was now standing in front of me. Mom closed the door of the house and all together we walked over to the cars. Cassie got out of her car so should could greet the kids first and then my parents. Then my mom, Jaxon and Jazzy went with her to her car and I drove with my father only since my car had only two seats.

Runaway Love {2} | Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now