Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty one

We've been married for three hours now, I don't regret the marrying him part just the fact I didn't really get to have a toasting. No one feels right without having a toasting in district 12. I love Peeta and even though I've never said it to his face, I know what I'm feeling, I'm jut scared to tell him. He tells me all the time but I can't seem to bring myself to it.But then, everyone who knows Peeta loves him. He has a personality that makes him loveable.

"Ready to go?" He asked, wrapping his arm around me from behind. I knew what how was doing. He was trying to put o a good show for all the Capitol residents around us. He doesn't know I feel the same way about him as he feels about me. I wish I could just tell him.

"Yeah, I can't wait to leave here."I sighed turning in his arms to face him. He kept his hands loosely around my waist as I leaned in to kiss his neck softly. Effie then rudely interrupted us.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but the train is ready for you."She said clapping her hands. I groaned as I removed myself from his grasp. For our honeymoon, we were going to district fur and staying in the victors village with Mags, Annie and Finnick as our neighbours. We got to pick our destination and Peeta and I both chose it because I've always wanted to visit the beach but we weren't allowed to go out of our own district. Peeta wanted to go there because they have the best view of the sunset and he thought it would be very romantic.

"Lets go." I said following Effie out to the car that was going to take u to the train station that was going to take us to our final destination where web were going to meet Finnick and Annie and then they are going to drive us to the victors village which I was told isn't far from the train station.

When we got there, I stayed quiet as Peeta conversed with Finnick. They both have the loveable charms but use it in different ways. Peeta is sweet and caring. Finnick knew he was hot and used it to his advantage.

"Didn't you Katniss?"I snapped out of my thoughts, I had no idea what they were talking about.

"Huh?" I asked looking into Peeta's eyes.

"I was telling Finnick about how stubborn you are."He said. "She won't crack but I lover her regardless." He smile.

"I can tell you two are in love."Annie cooed.

"Yeah."I sighed looking out the window. I saw Peeta looking at me out the corner of my eye. I wasn't sure if it was because he thought I was regretting him or that I was actually in love with him.

I watched as we sped through the district. It was different from District 12. Most people here were happy making fish hooks or fishing on the rocky sides of the beach. They can swim whenever they want. We don't have anything like this in district 12. They can't eat whatever they catch and it won't be classed as illegal. I know what my motifs will be when I finally become president.

As we pull up to the victors village I see Mags who looks about 60. We all got out of the car and made our way to meet her. It would be the first and possibly the last time we see any of these for the rest of our honeymoon. Haymitch informed us that they were not to communicate with us for the whole time we were here because he wanted us to relax before we became president. He also told them that they were welcome to come see us if they would like to see us going at it like animals all day everyday. That was his exact words. I know this wouldn't happen because I wanted to go swimming in the sea and try to teach Peeta sit on the beach and watch the sunset. I will however, try and get as much sexy time as possible.

"Katniss. Peeta. This..."He started gesturing to Mags. Even though I knew it was her Finnick still felt the need to introduce us. "Is the other victor from the 39th hunger games. Mags. She's like a mother to me." He introduced.

"Hi it's nice to meet you. I can't believe you live in such a beautiful place."Peeta said with a calm smile. Of course, it's his personality. I could tell already that Mags loved him."

"Hi Peeta, congratulations on your marriage." She mumbled.

"Thanks Mags. Not to be rude, but can you show us to our house. We've had a really long day and really want to relax." Peeta said. I knew that wasn't really the reason. Peeta just wanted to cuddle up on the couch without interruptions because with Haymitch Effie and Prim around, we get interrupted alot. Out the corner of my eye, I could see Finnick Smirking and winking at Peeta. Urgh! What a pig.

"Yeah. Sure. Relaxing."He snorted/ I glared at him before following Mags and Annie to our weekend home. There were fifteen hours. Mags, Annie and Finnick had the first three and we had the fifteenth house. Far enough away that we won't be hearing any noises. And not have any noise complaints from Finnick.

I stormed into the house. It had the same layout as ours back in 12. I fell onto the couch while Peeta plopped all the luggage on the floor near the door. I completely forgot he had the bags to be honest and I felt guilty watching him struggle but laying on the couch, I didn't really have any energy to move. I was so drained.

"Do you want to go to bed?" He asked sitting down next to me placing my feet in his lap giving them a massage.

"Please." I whispered lifting my arms wanting him to carry me. He laughed.

"Come on baby. Let's get you to bed." He picked me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs. In and out of each room we went trying to find the best room for us to sleep in. The upstairs was different to the houses in 12, the bottom was pretty much the same.

He laid me on the bed gently and wrapped his arms around me. It wasn't long before I fell into a slumber. Even though It was early, I knew I had to catch up on my sleep. I also wanted to be refreshed for tomorrow because we were going to explore. I was going to teach Peeta to swim.

Love Me, Always (Reuploaded)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें