Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"I love you Katniss." He whispered in my ear rubbing my back. I felt butterflies once again in my stomach, I was scared, I knew that I had strong feelings for him but I still wasn't ready for a committed relationship, I was still debating over the Gale drama too.

"I know and maybe I will someday but I'm not ready for that step yet." I said to him, I hoped he took it well because I didn't want to lose what we had. I knew that being in a relationship we would soon get married have sex and I would get pregnant. That isn't something I want, not now not ever. I know it is stupid but my Mom felt lost and Prim and I felt that we lost our mother and father for months I was feeding me and my sister whilst trying to get our mother to ear only a little bit.

I witnessed what love does to you when you lose your loved one and I don't think I'm strong enough to handle that.

"It's Okay, I'll wait for as long as I need to, to hear you say those words to me." He whispered pulling me closer and I could feel the softness of the white flour from his apron soak through onto my covered skin.

I giggled. "What you giggling at?" He teased.

"Nothing." I laughed. He flipped me over so I was laying on my back and he was between my legs tickling me everywhere he could reach. I was laughing trying to breath every chance I got.

"Stop." I laughed. "Please."

"Are you going to tell me?" He joked. I shook my head. "Well, I'm not going to stop." He teased again.

I pinched his nose which gave me a little time to scramble out from beneath him and I ran into the kitchen. He was following close behind me trying to grab me as fast as he could.

I grabbed a handful of flour and threatened to throw it at him. He circled me slowly hands raised above his head. I threw the flour and covered his face full of the white ingredient.

He gasped as it hit his face. I giggled. He grabbed some from the bag in his big hands, I giggled. I tried to dodge the handful of flour coming my way, unfortunately I was too slow,he caught me in my face.

I gasped between my laughs. Peeta grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer inches away from his lips.My eyes darted down to his soft juicy lips hoping to feel them on my one last time.

"Oh sorry." It was Prim, the two of us jumped away from each other. "I'm just gonna leave." He said walking towards the door.

"Prim!" I yelled after her rushing towards the door "I'll see you later Peeta!" I called out before shutting the door behind me.

"Prim!" I yelled rushing into my house searching for my pest of a little sister.

"It was so strange, Katniss said it was an act but they were about to kiss." Prim was talking to my Mom.

"Prim!" I yelled, She was in for it now.She hopped off the chair and began racing up the stairs. I grabbed her before she could.

"I have to tell you something Later. It's about Peeta." I whispered in her ear. She went running up the stairs.

"Whatever she told you,she's lying." I told my Mom. She smirked.

"Whatever you say Katniss." She said snidely. I growled.

"We weren't doing anything." I denied.

"What's that on your face?" She asked. I groaned as I realised she tricked me.

"Peeta and I got into a food fight this morning." I explained the best I could.

"What were you doing at Peeta's?" She asked. I didn't know whether I should have told her the truth, I didn't want tot ell her about the drinking and the sex we had.

"I had a nightmare and I needed to see Peeta." I lied.


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